Fanfic Ideas (Pls Help Me😔)

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So.... I already have a draft of this book next chapter, BUT my mind is had a another fanfic idea(s).

And both of them are Malleus X MaleOc


This the first idea. Ehem!


A young Draconia was playing around in the forest, when suddenly he heard a noises on the bushes.

When he turn to look where the noise is, he then saw a pair of eyes looking at him.

The green eyes was looking at a pair of yellow piercing irises, with orange pupils and sclera.

Both where having a small staring contest, before both of them heard another voice, and it's a familiar voice to the young Draconia.


The young Draconia was hesitant to answer, but when he turn to look where the creature was, it was gone.

His face form a frown, he wanted to know who was that, so he decided to try and follow it.

But before he got too far he felt a pair of arms around him, he then turn around to see who it was. And it was his caretaker, Lilia.

"Where do you think your going young man?"

"Umm.... I.. I want to follow the creature." The young Draconia answered his caretaker.

Lilia raise a brow, and ask the young Draconia once again, "Creature?"

Draconia just nod, before Lilia ask another question, "What does this "creature" look like?"

The young Draconia thought about it, before trying to describe the creature, "they had a yellow and orange eyes, I've also notice they blue skin."

"Is that it?"

Draconia was thinking again, before saying, "they had like fiery lines across their face."

Lilia thought about it, before saying, "Want to find this "creature"?"

After Lilia said that, the young Draconia nod his head excitedly.

Lilia chuckle at the young prince enthusiast. Before going to find this mysterious creature.


This the first one, and the creature I was making was a young tiefling.

A tiefling that I made while back.

This tiefling was named Coco, and yes he is a male. Coco is a gypsy/performer, something like a bard, y'know. Anyway, Coco had blueish skin, with fiery lines decorate his body. Coco have curled horns, that has the same color of his skin and also had the same fiery lines. He also had a thick, muscled, long tail that had like fur/hair at the tip.

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now