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Amir then stand up, and muttered to himself saying, "I'm gonna regret this." As he followed where would the troublemakers be.


3rd POV


As soon Amir catch up to the troublemakers, he saw the monster on top of one of the chandeliers in the cafeteria, and the dark blue haired boy was pointing his magic pen to the terracotta haired boy, while he saw Yuu with an anxious expression.

He then rubbed the bridge of his nose, and let an annoyed groan, as he quickly go where they where standing.


Deuce was holding his pen out, and pointing it to Ace.

"Woah! Hey! Stop! What are you doing?! Why are you pointing that pen on me?!" The terracotta haired boy asked, while he put his hands up.

The blue haired boy then told his plan to the other boy, "Because I'm gonna launch you."

"This will be not good, I think we should change that plan." The black hair boy suggested, but his suggestion was not heard.

"Are you kidding me?! Bwaaah! Put me down!" Ace screamed, as he felt himself of the ground.

"Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!" He added, while doing a cross arm sign.

"Just make sure to grab him tight."
Deuce said, as he look where Grim is. "I've got him in my sights, and... Go!" And completely throw Ace toward Grim.

The two screamed for their lives, as Yuu stood their in disbelief, while Deuce panicked.

They all saw the chandelier fall, along with Ace and Grim.

But before Ace and Grim completely fall to the ground, a familiar figure to them caught the two, and quickly dodge the falling chandelier.

The chandelier have finally fall, completely broken to the ground, as the dust from the broken chandelier completely block off Deuce and Yuu's visions.

Four people cough at the dust, as they all tried to remove the dust on their faces.

As all of the dust removed from their visions, Yuu then saw a better view on who the one saved Ace and Grim. And it's none other than Amir.


Amir still had the two troublemakers in his arms, as he cough a bit on the dusts.

He then dropped the two on the ground, making Ace grunt, as Grim made an 'oof' sound as he still dizzy from the fall.

Amir then heard the dark blue haired boy talked, and he said was, "Oh, right! I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..."

He then made a comment on how idiotic this plan is, as Ace fully burst out, "You complete and total moron!"

"We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-" Ace added, but was caught off by someone.

"If I find out about... what, dear Ace?"

They all turned around to see who it was, and it was no surprise to Amir on who it was. It was the Headmage, Crowley.

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now