Amir POV

'Fuck, why the hell did I lose my temper there?' I thought, while walking around the courtyard.

As I was cooling my temper walking around the courtyard, I saw the sky getting a bit dark. So I decided to go to the Hall of Mirrors.

As I've arrived to my destination, seeing some students going to their respective dorm, I decided to go where my dorm is.

When I got inside of the Scarabia Mirror, I saw Jamil standing, probably waiting for me.

"Y'know you don't have to wait for me." I said, while walking toward Jamil. He just sigh deeply, and looked at me.

"And you shouldn't have lost your temper back there," Jamil scolded, "and after you left, Kalim kept bothering me if he should follow you, or if you're alright." He continued.

"I know, I know I lost my temper, and I'm sorry for making both of you worried." I said, before Jamil declined that he's worried for me, I then cupped Jamil's face gently, as I make him eye contact with me.

Jamil's face starts to red, as I continue my talking, "Look, before you decline again that your worried for me, both of us know I'm far more responsible than Kalim. And you know I can take care of myself, ok."

Jamil tried to avert his face away from me. Keyword, TRIED. As I'm still holding his face.

Once again Jamil sighs, and told me to call him when I needed him, with his eyes looked away, as his face was still red, in which I chuckle softly and assured him that I will.

Before I let go of his face, I kissed his forehead softly, while saying, "thank you for worrying about me."
In which he explode in redness, I smile softly at him, before going inside of our dorm.

As I was walking away from Jamil, who was still frozen, I still wonder how could he still be flustered from forehead kiss from me. I know he had a crush on me for a while, but I've been doing that since we were little brats, but I guess it's not everyday that your childhood crush is kissing your forehead.

I was walking around the dorm, looking for my room, 'I should have asked Jamil where's my room is.' I thought, as I was looking for it.

Before I continue my searching, I felt a body crushed toward me, and thanked Great Seven I have good balance. As I looked who could it be, and it's none other than Kalim.

And before I asked why he isn't asleep yet, he then grabbed both of my shoulder as he shake me back and forth, as he screamed at my face 'Where have I been?' 'Are you ok?' 'Have you eaten?' and a lot more questions to come, and before that happened, I quickly grabbed both of his cheeks and pull them together, making him whine in pain, as I keep pulling in it, he then let go of my shoulder and grabbed both of my hands, telling me to stop pulling his cheeks.

As I let go, he then put both of his hands on his red cheeks, and whine to me it hurts, I just put my hand on to his head, and pat it softly. I told him that I'm for making him worry, "but don't try your luck next time when you try shaking me again."

He just looked at me and smile brightly, making me squint my eyes a bit, and to this day I'm still wondering how the hell he smiles like that.

And the I asked him where's my room is, he then open his before closing it, and looked at ground as he was thinking, he then looked at me and said, "I don't know actually, hahahaaha, sorry." He laughed a bit, making me looked at him, deadpan.

"I should have known." I mumbled, putting both of my hands on my face.

Kalim then suggested I could sleep with him in his bed, still smiling, and before I declined, Jamil then appeared next to us, saying where's my room is, making Kalim shocked a bit, and laughed it off.

I thanked Jamil, as walked away, Kalim then told me goodnight as he waved his hand at me, I then told them both goodnight, as I retreat myself toward my room.

I then looked at my room, my stuff was already there, and they were already arrange, probably Jamil did it.

I then saw my dorm uniform on my bed, and it looks like what Jamil is wearing, I then took it, and place it to the closest chair. I looked at it, before deciding I'm gonna change it. I'll probably tell Kalim about it tomorrow, but for now I'm getting myself ready to sleep.

After cleaning myself, and wearing a comfortable sleeping wear, letting my hair down, and preparing my uniform for tomorrow, and items I'm gonna needed. And after that, I then let my body fall on the bed, face down. And proceed to let myself sleep, comfortably, into a dreamless sleep.


•Amir knows Jamil has a crush on him when they were kids.

•The reason of why Amir didn't make a move on Jamil, because he knows Jamil is hiding something from him, and he couldn't figure out what is.

•Amir wouldn't hesitate to smack the back of Kalim's head, pinch Kalim, overall he can hit Kalim without hesitation (not in abusive way).

Extra note from Author: Probably all of them will be OOC, and I'm sorry for that. (I edited some parts).

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