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As he go into the Dark Mirror.


3rd POV


As Amir got into the portal/mirror(whatever), he saw the four waiting for him.

"Took you long enough, I thought you probably ditched us." The terracotta hair boy said, after he said that Deuce elbowed him to his stomach, making him groan in pain, as Deuce scolded him for being disrespectful.

Amir then made a comment on what Ace have said, "I probably should have done that, if your just gonna be a dick this whole time." While glaring at the end.

Ace then scoffed, and argued back, "Well then leave, see if I care. You're just gonna get expelled because of this "mess"."

"Excuse you, this is YOUR mess to begin with. So don't go act like I was at fault here too. You idiots started this, I just got dragged along." Amir affirmed, as he glared and pointed at Ace.

Yuu and Deuce hold them back, mostly Deuce holding Ace and Yuu just put his arm in front of Amir. But anyway, Deuce starts to apologize to Amir for Ace's attitude, but Amir just said, "I'm not accepting someone's apologies for something they didn't do, I want that apology from someone who made that mistake."

Ace could just charged in if Deuce hasn't holding him tight, but before all hell breaks loose Yuu manage to stop the argument.

"Can you guys stop?! We don't have time for this, we still have to get the magestone."

Ace just scoffed, before pushing Deuce away from him, as he walks away and go where the Dwarfs' Cave.

As he leaves, the rest follow slowly. Deuce once again apologize, but Amir dismissed it.

Deuce then introduced himself, as Amir did the same.

The group walked in awkward silence, after Ace and Amir argued, the other three felt the tension between them.

But no one talked about it, as they go forward on to where they should be.



The five arrived at where they should be.

"So this is the Dwarfs' Mine... Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones." Deuce explained.

Grim then added some comments, "Urgh... Who knows what lurks in there now?"

"Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people there have to say." Ace suggested.

Which the rest go where the cottage is, they've arrived at where the cottage is, as Deuce knock on the door.

"Hellooo? Is anybody home...?"

But before anyone could try open the door, Amir kick the door wide open. Making the door broke down, as the four stood there shock.

"You could have warn us." Ace grumbled quietly, while Amir just ignore him.



As they got inside Grim caught himself on a bunch of cobwebs. "Bwah! I got a spider web on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!"

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