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And with that he lead the way, while the four followed him.


3rd POV

They finally found a table to sit at, before Deuce sigh and started talking. "I can't believe this. Textbook bullies at an academy that's supposed to be famous for producing exceptional mages…" As he slowly eats his food.

"Aw, get over it already. It's time to chow like the wind! *munch* *munch* This omelet is as fluffy as a cloud, and practically burstin' with cheese!" Grim stated while eating, as he asked a question. "*munch* *munch* So, I saw your guys' dorm, but what are the other ones like?"

When all of a sudden a familiar ginger to the first year popped up out of nowhere, interrupted them.

"I'm sure you're familiar with the statues of the Great Seven? Night Raven College has a dorm themed after each one."

And with that sudden statement, the first year jumped at surprise, as Amir continue to eat and watch what would happened.

"Bwah! You're that guy from this morning!" Ace pointed out, as Grim continued it. "You tricked us into paintin' those dumb roses!"

"“Tricked” is such an ugly word. Do you think I wanted to spend MY morning painting roses? It's dorm policy! I was just following orders." The ginger explained, before gaining his attention toward Amir.

"I haven't seen you with the first years earlier, right? Well, I'm Cater Diamond, junior in Heartslabyul, you can call Cater or Cay-cay, nice to meet you." Cater greeted, as he held out a hand for Amir to shake on.

Amir did shake on it, before saying his name in a short introduction, "The name's Amir."

Cater chuckled at Amir's small introduction, before continuing, "Your Kalim's brother right? Man, you two really have an opposite personality, and appearance too."

"Really? I haven't noticed." Amir sarcastically said, looking at the laughing Cater.

"You really are different. Anyway, what where trying to say, Deucey?"

"Please. Do NOT call me Deucey." Deuce declared, "I don't need another one calling me that." Muttering the last part, in which Yuu and Amir heard.

Another person then chuckled, making the group look toward where the chuckle is. And they all see a forest short hair, hazel eyes, black rectangular glasses and a black clover shape on his cheek.

"That's how Cater shows he cares." The green haired said.

Ace looked skeptical, before questioning the person. "And... Who are you?"

The green haired boy then introduced himself, "Ah, I should introduce myself. The name's Trey. Trey Clover. I'm a junior at Heartslabyul, like Cater here." Smiling at the end, before continuing, "And you must be Yuu, the new prefect from that dump of a- ah, I mean, the “rustic” dorm. I heard the whole story from Cater. Thanks for looking out for our boys yesterday."

'Nice save.' Amir thought, before hearing Yuu replied to the junior.

"Well technically, it was Amir who'd look out for us yesterday." As Yuu scratch his cheek.

"And also, I don't recall inviting you to sit with us..." Ace added, while crossing his arm.

"Hey now, we're all from the same dorm, right? Let's try to get along. Here, gimme your digits." Cater exclaim, dismissing on what Ace's had said.

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