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"MYAAAHH!!? What's this?!" Grim yelled, as the barrier keeping him disappeared. Making him fall, and landed through his butt.

"The Queen of Hearts' Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair." Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately." The red hair boy said.

"But I ain't a cat either!" The latter answered angrily as he pawed and scratched the collar.

"Don't you try'n collar me! I'll burn it right off! Huh....? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't working." The monster said, after he tried to breathe his fire.

"Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic." The redhead boy exclaimed, as he smirked proudly, as he looked at the monster's reaction.

"M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!" Grim shouted angrily at Riddle, making Riddle's expression fell.

"Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet." He snapped, and turn back to his neutral expression.

"The collar will disappear once you're removed from the campus." Riddle stated, while crossing his arms.

"Ha-HA! Good show as always Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it - ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it." A boy with glasses corrected his words, while crossing his arms.

Which made Amir roll his eyes, and made a mental note about what he said.

Amir then saw the Headmage scolding the magicless student about their not taming their "familiar", with the said student with a confused, and a bit pissed face. Making Amir VERY pissed at Headmage.

Before the magicless human defend themselves by saying Grim is not his familiar, he was interrupted by a person who was already infront of him, and he was the one who caught Grim.

"And YOU are an irresponsible Headmage!!" Amir shouted at Crowley, pointing at him. Crowley had a shocked, disbelief and nervous expression, this is the first student who shouted at him.

The dorm leader was also shocked at the new student did to Crowley, and Kalim is now panicking how to calm down Amir, and Jamil is now walking toward were Amir is.

"E-excuse me?" The Headmage stutter.

"Look dipshit," Amir swore, walking toward Crowley, who is backing up. "I know that you want your "students" to show off their magic by catching a fucking gremlin, but doing it in a ceremony, letting it lose, burning it's surrounding, even my idiotic brother," Amir starts to poke Crowley's repeatedly, "and blaming to a clueless student, who by the way can't use magic, and who CLEARLY had no control of the beast whatsoever, and what did you just did? FUCKING NOTHING!" Amir shouted, almost gripping the Headmage collar, he just choose to clenched is fist, hard enough to bleed a bit. As Crowley tried to look away from Amir's glare.

Amir then glared at the rest of the Dorm Leader, which made the dorm head flinched a bit at his glare.

"And the rest of YOU just started arguing! You just argued who's gonna catch the fucking monster, y-!" And before Amir continue his scolding, Jamil already touched Amir's shoulder, making Amir looked at him.

"Come on now, calm down tiger." Jamil said, as he just grabbed Amir's hand, and patted it.

Making Amir sigh deeply, rubbing his nose bridge as he calms down. He then glared one last time at the Headmage and Dorm leader, before scoffing and walked away from the ceremony.

Amir then called Kalim he's going to their dorm, which made Kalim tried to catch up, but before that happened Jamil grabbed his shoulder, and said the ceremony was not yet finished.

Jamil then bowed a bit, and said "please excuse him, he just need some air to cool down." As he go back were the other Scarabia students is.

The rest was shocked at what just happened, but shook it off.

"The nerve of that herbivore." The lion beastman mumbled. The rest who heard Amir's scolding were amused, or displeased at what Amir did.

After what happened back their they continued, with Yuu defend themselves about what happened, making Crowley embarrassed, as he told the other students to kick Grim out off this school, Grim screaming in desperation he'll be the greatest mage, which almost made Yuu felt bad, before he remembered the tall student defend him, which made him warmed a bit, before he watch what happened next.

Crowley forgetting the 7th Dorm leader, as some of the Dorm leader argue a bit about that, a boy with deep voice come along and said their Dorm leader, who was called Malleus Draconia, was once again forgotten, and left with the Diasomnia new students, as the rest of the students go back to their respective dorm.

Making Yuu and Crowley the only one there, as Crowley apologize for the inconvenience, and told Yuu can't attend the school, and stuff that the author can't continue because they're being lazy to continue the prologue. (Shhh-)


°Author got lazy writing all the dialogue and the characters should do (I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ))

°Author doesn't know if they did a great job at Amir's bursting out

°Jamil knows how to calm Amir down, Kalim also knows, but he easily go to panicked mode.

°Probably next chapter Amir gonna need a cuddle buddy to calm his nerves.

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