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"So what are the other dorms like, then?" Grim questioned, as he wait for the answer.


3rd POV

After Grim asked, Trey begun naming all of the dorms there is, and the meaning behind the dorms.

"That's a lot to take in." Yuu commented, while Grim admitted that he will have a hard time remembering all of the dorm names.

Cater laugh at Grim's misery(I guess?), as he added that they'll know them soon.

"At orientation, the Dark Mirror picks a dorm for you based on the essence of your being. As a result, each dorm ends up with a distinct sort of... flavor, we'll call it." Trey added, as Cater agreed.

"Flavors, Huh.....?" Deuce muttered, not really knowing what the meaning behind it.

Trey then demonstrate, "For example, look at that guy." As he pointed across the room.

Amir notice who's the person Trey was pointing.

"A student with dog ears?" Yuu questioned, while looking at the student.

"Y'know pointing is rude right? And also Yuu he's a wolf, I think he will not appreciate it being called a dog." Amir stated, as Yuu and Trey apologize for their rudeness.

"You seem to know him?" Cater asked, looking at Amir.

Amir look back, as he answers. "He's a classmate of mine, and he's also my seatmate."

Cater hummed, before Trey continued about on how Jack was in Savanaclaw, and the armband color of Savanaclaw. And Cater commented about Savanaclaw being "Working out and fighting" all of those stuff, that Amir didn't bother to listen.

Grim then pointed out at where the Amir's brother was sitting at, and questioned which dorm the trio in front of his brother at.

"Huh. All right, so what about that guy with the grey and purple cord wrapped around his arm?"

Trey then look at where Grim is looking, and answered his question. "He's from Octavinelle House. And the student sitting at the table in front of him has a red and gold armband—Scarabia colors."

"Just like Amir?" Yuu questioned out loud, as Amir answered him.

"Just like me, yes."

"Do you know him? Amir." Grim mindlessly questioned, as he look at Amir.

"Yep. And he's my brother." And with that answer, the first year was shocked.

"As in like younger or older?" Ace asked, as he look straight to Amir's eyes.

Amir look back, not giving a fuck about the way Ace stared into his eyes. And nonchalantly answered truthfully, "He's older than me.... In months"

"HOW?!" Ace gritted through teeth, muffling the noise. As he repeatedly looking back and forth between Amir and his brother.


Cater laugh at the first years antics, along with Trey who just chuckling.

Kalim notice Amir was looking at him, so he made a bright smile and a big wave. In which Amir wave back, in a small way.

After that, Cater explains how the two dorms were neck-to-neck before. But that changes when Kalim became the Dorm leader.

Ace had finally relaxed on his arguments with Amir, and told Cater he's getting off topic.

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