Let The Games Begin

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They all looked around at each other. No one knew what a good start would be so they just sat there glancing around the circle.

"Fine. If none of you pussys'll do it I will," Craig said, sitting up a bit straighter. "Stan, truth or dare?"

Stan thought about it for a second before remembering what Chef had told him. 'You gotta pick truth a few times....'

"Truth," he replied.

"Alright, why did you and Wendy break up? The most recent time," Craig crossed his arms and leaned Back on the bed from where he was sitting on the floor.

Stan thought for a moment before saying, "I guess we just had different ideas of what we wanted in a realationship," He shrugged. "It wasn't an angry breakup, we just weren't happy with how things were going. I'm glad it happened."

"Huh," Jimmy said. "N-N-N-Not what I was expecting."

"Whatever," Stan waved it off. "Cartman, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Eric said.

"Alright," Stan smirked. "I dare you, to tell everyone, that you still sleep with stuffed animals."

"Fine. I still sleep with a stuffed animal," Eric muttered.

"What was that?" Kyle put a hand to his ear. "I seem to be having trouble hearing."

Tolkien snickered.

"I still sleep with a stuffed animal! Was that better? Did your sensitive Jew ears hear me this time?" Cartman said, putting on fake sympathy.

"Oh, shut up Fatass," Kyle snapped.

"Alright Cartman," Tweek said. "Your turn."

"Clyde, truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," Clyde said.

"Are you a virgin Clyde?" He smiled sinisterly.

"Like I would tell you," Clyde started. "Also, What the hell kind of a question is that? Is that what pops into your twisted little brain when you get to ask someone a truth?"

"Looks like someone's getting feisty," Craig muttered. "Answer the question dude."

"Yeah Clyde," Tolkien joined in"You have to answer. It's how the game works. It's no fun if you can just dodge anything you don't want to do."

"Fine. Yes I am a virgin. But I'm willing to bet that half of you guys are too."

They all looked around before Stan broke the silence.

"I guess we'll just have to keep playing to figure that out," Stan shrugged, propping his legs into Kyle's lap. "Your turn Clyde."

Clyde glanced around briefly. "Hmm.... Kenny, truth or dare?"

"Dare," He said, voice slightly muffled.

"Take your hood off. I'm having trouble hearing you, and you never take it off! It has to stay off, until the end of the night," Clyde started. "Or, until someone else dares you to put it back on."

"Fine," Kenny removed his hood, and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "There. Now, my ears are gonna be cold. Are you happy?"

"Very," Clyde smirked.

Stan noticed butters was staring at Kenny. Stan waited for butters to look at him before raising an eyebrow and nodding at Kenny. Butters blushed and turned away, burying his head in his hands. Stan and Butters had became good friends over the past few years. They talked about most things wich, normally included who either of them liked but Stan had a hunch Butters was holding out on him.

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