Out With A Bang

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Stan pulled away soon after the kiss started. His nerves had paralysed him and he couldn't move. He sat there, hovering over Kyle, just staring. He kind of wanted to kiss him again but he also kind of wanted to go crawl under the covers, go to sleep, and pretend that this night never happened.

I mean, would Kyle really be that offended?

"Stan," Kyle sat up partially, using his elbows as a stabiliser. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Stan wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm okay."

"If something's wrong, we can stop dude. I'm content with just cuddling for the rest of the night if you don't feel like," Kyle looked away and then looked back. "Kissing."

"No, no Kyle, I said I was oka-" He stopped when Kyle cupped his face with his hand.

"Talk to me. I'm not going to judge you," he said solemnly, looking him directly in the eyes.

Stan hesitated. He could easily make up a simple lie that Kyle would believe, but something in his face had a soft, almost pleading look.

Stan finally broke and just started spewing out anything and everything on his mind.

"It's just, I'm kind of stressed about this whole deal... tonight's made everything go so fast, and it's frustrating, because yes, I want this, but I didn't think all of it would come at me like a fucking freight train," Stan breathed a shuddering breath before continuing. "I like you Kyle. A lot. But... I don't know, so much has happened between the two of us tonight so fast, that I don't know how to process it all. My brain's doing mental gymnastics because half of it wants to kiss you and never stop, but the other half is telling me that we should wait to do anything crazy until we're actually together. And somehow there's another half of it that wants to kick all of our friends out so we can have the entire house to ourselves."

Kyle's nostrils flared a few times.

"Technically, that would mean your brain is in thirds, not halves," Kyle smirked. His smile quickly fell from his face though, as Stan's frown grew deeper. "And we can take things as slow as you want. Hell, we don't even have to do anything if you don't want to. I'll sleep on the floor if that's what's going to make you comfortable. I don't want to force you to confront any feelings you're not ready to deal with yet."

"Thanks Kyle," Stan smiled slightly, hesitating before leaning forward and giving Kyle a quick peck on the lips.

"So," Kyle hummed. "What do you want to do now?"

"This," Stan responded, connecting their lips in a sloppy kiss, much to Kyle's surprise but hey, he's not complaining...

Stan grabbed hold of Kyle's shoulders, trying to signal for him to stand up. He did and the two of them stumbled across the room towards the bed, not wanting to break the kiss. Stan leaned forward and Kyle fell backwards onto the mattress, moving his way up the bed so his head could rest comfortably on Stan's pillow. The kiss was messy, and uncoordinated, and tasted like booze. All the requirements of a healthy drunken make out session.

Kyle reaches out and grabbed Stan's shoulders and flipped their positions, pinning Stan to the bed by his wrists as he continued to kiss him.

"Is this okay?" Kyle pulled away briefly.

Stan just nodded in response, his eyes hooded.

Kyle kissed along Stan's jaw down his neck. Stan let out little gasps here and there, as Kyle began nipping at various spots.

He tugged at the hem of Stan's shirt, pulling away from his neck.

"Can I take this off..?" Kyle panted.

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