The Yes Game

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"All right," Kenny cracked his knuckles. "Just the cool four now. Kyle, it's your turn."

"Uhm..." Kyle hummed. "Butters, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Butters sighed. He was kinda done with playing, but he didn't want to leave while everyone else was having fun.

"I dare you, to say yes, to everything, for the next five minutes," Kyle smirked.

"Fine," Butters rolled his eyes.

"Hey Butters," Stan smiled mischievously. "Are you gay?"


"Are you drunk?" Stan went on.


"Are you horny?" Stan was getting a kick out of this.

"Yes." Butters exhaled. He was trying his best to refrain from eye contact with any of them. God yes...

"Can I have a kiss?" Kenny turned to him.

"Y-yes," Butters faced him and kissed him promptly on the lips before pulling away. "My turn. Stan, truth or dare?"

"I'm not done. If Kenny asked you to be his boyfriend, what exactly would you say?" Stan crossed his arms.

"Yes," Butters blushed. He loved, and hated this at the same time.

"Thought so. I pick truth," Stan leaned the back of his head against the wall.

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've done while you were home alone?" Butters asked.

Stan furrowed his brow in a thinking manner.

"Oh! I know! The time I did the dishes and made failed cookies naked while belting out show tunes. I think a traumatised the dog," Stan said with zero shame whatsoever.

"Huh," Butters shrugged. "Funky."

"Hey Butters?" Kenny smiled innocently. "Can we go to bed?"

"Yes," Butters let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, we can go."

"Why do you need Butters to go to bed?" Kyle tilted his head at the two of them.

Kenny shrugged. "Just do."

"Whatever," Kyle muttered.

Kenny and Butters stood up and walked out of the room hand in hand.

"Good night!" They shouted in unison before shutting the door.

Kenny started leading Butters down the hall. Butters stopped, mildly confused.

"Kenny, the staircase is that way," he pointed.

"I'm taking you to the bathroom first," Kenny shrugged, giving his hand a tug.

"W-why?" Butters asked nervously, pricks of excitement running up his spine.

Kenny raised his eyebrows in an 'are you joking right now?' manner, looking down at Butters crotch and then back up to meet his eyes.

"Take a guess."

"Kenny..." Butters fidgeted with the drawstrings of his pants. "What for?"

"Well," Kenny smirked. "How's a blowjob sound?"

Butters paused. Shock and anticipation lingered in the air.

"Yes," Butters replied with wide eyes.

Kenny just smiled and lead him the rest of the way to the bathroom.

The door shut and there was a tiny *click* as it locked.

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