Anyone else hungry?

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"Dare!" Jimmy responded.

"Chug, an entire can of sparkling water, without stopping," Kenny said. "If you burp after, you've got to go take a shower in the hose."

"In t-t-t-th-the snow? " Jimmy asked nervously.

"Uh huh," Kenny smirked.

Jimmy opened a box that Tolkien had brought, full of lemon flavoured fizzy waters. He took one out and took a deep breath.

"Three, two, one GO!" Clyde counted down.

Jimmy opened the can with a satisfying 'ttsst' sound and started chugging. He gulped fast, for a good ten seconds before setting it down and letting out a gasp.

"Why d-d-d-does it burn?! " Jimmy coughed a little bit holding his throat. "H-h-how long before I can burp?"

"Two minutes. At least," Kenny smirked.

"YYRGRHH," Jimmy grimaced.

He hadn't noticed, but Kenny had a timer going, and it was only a quarter of the way done.

"A-a-a-a-alright fellas, we'll revisit t-this in a b-b-b-b-bit if I lose," Jimmy said. "Tolkien, truth o-o-o-o-or dare?"

"Dare," Tolkien said, paying little attention to the game.

"Eat a r-r-r-raw onion like it's an a-a-a-a-apple," Jimmy smirked.

"Ewww, gross," Tolkien grimaced.

"I'll go get one," Stan stood up and left the room, returning shortly after with a red onion.

"Here we a-" Stan was cut off by the timer Kenny had set going off.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-YES!" Jimmy cheered. He stopped after a moment. "Dammit, no-ow I don't h-h-h-h-ave to burp. I feel like a fucking b-b-b-balloon."

"Sucker," Kenny stuck his tongue out and put an 'L' on his forehead with his fingers.

"Hey," Butters bopped the back of Kenny's head. "Don't be a dick."

Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Here you go Tolkien," Stan threw him the onion, smiling.

"Mmmm," Tolkien grimaced. "This is gonna be fun."

He peeled back the papery part of the onion and sighed before taking a bite. A shudder ran through his body.

"Vith's fuchking dithguthting," Tolkien said through a mouth full of onion.

"Keep g-g-g-going," Jimmy looked triumphantly upon a glaring Tolkien.

He chewed for a bit before swallowing with a grimace. He went in for another bite, desperate to get this all over with. He kept going until half the onion was gone and he was just about ready to throw up.

"Y-y-y-y-you can be done," Jimmy laughed at the grateful look on Tolkien's face.

"I hate you," Tolkien glared, but there was humor in his eyes. "So, fucking much."

"M-my mom says onions are good for you!" Butters chimed in, trying to help.

"Wow," Craig said sarcastically. "How neat."

"I'm gonna get some water and try to get the taste out of my mouth," Tolkien grumped, standing. "Clyde, you can have my turn."

"Awh yeah," Clyde smirked. "I'm Tolkien's favorite."

"Dream on," Craig rolled his eyes, flipping Clyde off.

"Stan, truth or dare?" Clyde asked.

"Truth," Stan was drumming on the empty beer can in his hands.

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