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"Alright Kyle," Stan turned back to him after the blush had died down on his cheeks. "What's your sexuality?"

Kyle opened his mouth to answer, paused and pulled his lips into a tight line, furrowing his brow.

"B...i? " Kyle squinted confusedly. "I think? Probably?"

"You sound confused," Stan tilted his head at him.

"Well, I haven't really done a whole lot of thinking about that," Kyle blushed slightly. "All I knew was that I used to like only girls and now it's both and it took me so long to accept that, I guess I just didn't think any further than that."

"Hmm," Stan shrugged. "Interesting."

"Uhm, I hate to interrupt any self discovery going on over there," Tweek gestured to the two of them. "But I think I'm going to take Craig to bed. I'd love to keep playing, but we both need to sleep."

"Oh, okay," Kenny shrugged. "Good night dude."

"Craig?" Tweek whispered, nudging him a bit. "Can you walk?"

"Mmmmm..." Craig furrowed his brow, burrowing further into Tweek's arm. "I can but I don't wanna..."

Tweek sighed, hooking his free arm under the crook of Craig's legs, hoisting him up. He carried him bridal style to the door, struggling only a little. Even though he was quite a bit skinnier than Craig, the meth his parents slipped into his coffee gave him a decent amount of strength that he liked to display quite frequently.

"What, no good night kiss?" Kenny bat his eyes as Tweek walked out the door.

"Good night you guys."

"Night Tweek!" Butters waved.

Tweek stepped out of the room and felt the door shut behind him. He looked to his right and saw a door.

I think that's Shelly's old room, he thought, making his way towards it.

Tweek opened it with his foot. A soft creaking noise filled the quiet air.

The room was a bit bigger than Stan's, possibly due to the lack of stuff. Tweek assumed Shelly took most of it with her when she left for college. The walls were painted a light purpleish pink and a fluffy looking bed sat against the wall on his left, the duvet a pretty cream color.

Tweek stepped inside, not bothering to turn on any of the lights. He laid Craig down on the bed smoothly. He immediately rolled into a little ball with a groan. Tweek smirked happily at his sleepy boyfriend.

"Craig, honey, get into some PJs," Tweek laughed, putting a hand on Craig's shoulder.

"I don't wanna move," Craig pouted, his eyes closed.

"I'll go get our stuff," Tweek rolled his eyes with a smile, going out into the hall and grabbing there bags they so neatly set against the wall.

When he returned, Craig still hadn't moved. Tweek nudged him again and Craig jolted. He sat up on the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes.

"Mmm..." Craig groaned, looking up at Tweek, who handed him his bag. Craig took it lazily and pulled out some red racer pajama shorts. "Do you have the thing?"

"Oh, yeah," Tweek reached into his bag and pulled out a nasa T-shirt. He had given it to Craig as a birthday gift and Craig had given it back, asking him to 'make it smell like you and then give it back,'. Ever since then, anytime Craig washed it, (removing his smell) he'd give it back to Tweek to get the scent back, and Tweek would return it once it smelled like him again.  It was definitely Craig's favorite shirt.

Craig stood up, swaying as he did so. He took off his shirt and reached for the one Tweek was holding out to him. He took it and slipped it over his head easily. He pushed the hem of the neck up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He looked up and saw Tweek standing there. Not changing, just watching.

"What?" Craig asked embarrassedly.

"Nothing," Tweek shook his head. "You're just cute."

"Mm," Craig hummed monotonously, as if that was hard to believe.

He undid his pants, letting them drop to the floor easily. Tweek watched the act, his cheeks slowly turning pink. He shook his head, as if to remove any sinful thoughts crossing his mind. It was time to sleep. Craig was tired. There would be time for that kind of stuff later, when they were at their own houses.

Craig stepped out of his pants as Tweek began to change as well, pulling his shirt over his head, leaving his chest bare.

"You look hot," Craig slurred out tiredly, moving his eyes away from Tweek.


Craig was finished changing, so he sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Tweek to be done too. Tweek normally didn't sleep with a shirt, so he decided to just leave it off like normal. He unbuttoned his jeand and slipped them off easily, opting for a pair of grey sweatpants instead.

"Get into bed honey," Tweek smiled sweetly, pulling the comforter and sheet off of one of the corners.

"Mm..." Craig stood up, wrapping his arms around Tweek's neck and planting a sloppy kiss on his lips before pulling away. "I love you..."

Tweek smiled, wrapping his arms around Craig's middle. "I love you too."

Tweek laid down first, guiding Craig to come next to him. Craig obliged happily, flopping down under the covers. Tweek pulled them over the both of them, all the way up to their shoulders.

Craig immeadieatley moved right up next to Tweek, burrowing into him as close as he could get. He wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his nose into Tweek's neck. Craig intertwined there legs and sighed happily.

"This is my favorite way to sleep."

"Me too," Tweek placed a kiss on Craig's forehead. Craig interlocked their fingers lovingly.

"Oh," Craig said as if he'd realized something. "Did you wanna... do something? B-because if... if you do I can stay awake-"

"O-oh, no," Tweek smiled. "Just sleeping for tonight Love. You're tired."

"Thank you," Craig let out a sigh of relief. He was too tired to move right now. Well, almost.

He leaned up a bit, connecting his lips with Tweek's one final time before plopping down to his previous position.

"I'm gonna dream about you," was the last thing Craig said before he fell asleep, puffy noises and occasional snorts escaping his nose as he did so.

Tweek felt a warmth blooming in his chest. He loved Craig. So much. He knew, deep down somewhere, that he was going to marry him one day. That was the plan and that was what was going to happen, without a doubt.

Tweek took off Craig's hat and buried his nose in his hair, inhaling softly.

This is what I want for the rest of my life, Tweek felt sleep tugging at the corners of his mind. He let out a happy sigh before giving in, slipping right into a deep sleep.


I seriously can't believe that after this, I've only got two more chapters to write. It's kind of weird to think about, considering this book's been a part of my life for a few months now. The further along it gets, the more I've stared planning it in my head. I've got a game plan for the last two chapters so I'm not stressing and it feels really good knowing I'm set. I also wrote all of this in one sitting.  Anyways, as a reward for making it this far into the book, here's some Creek fluff for y'all. I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading. Go drink some water and touch some grass. Happy Easter!

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