Hell's Kitchen

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They all made their way down to Stan's kitchen. They turned the corner and found Tolkien vomiting in the sink. Craig walked over and Pat Tolkien on the back comfortingly.

"Why is it that every time we go into my kitchen we see something disturbing?" Stan said to Kenny.

"Seriously," He shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Butters asked.

"Nothing," Kenny Pat Butters on the cheek.

Butters was having a tough time seeing straight and a tough time walking in a straight line and a tough time being straight in general.

"Dude," Kenny grabbed him by the sides of his face, pulling Butters down to his level. "Are you okay?"

"Mmm... yeah..." Butters said, shutting his eyes and sighing happily.

Kenny laughed and let him go, much to Butters' dismay. "You're fucking stoned."

"It's you're fault," Butters crossed his arms. "You made me drink all of it..."

"Yeeeeaaah, that might've, been too much," Kenny nudged him. "You'll sleep it off."

"Mmrrggf..." Butters shrugged away from Kenny and made his way to Stan's kitchen table.

Tolkien was done puking but he was still bent over the sink. Craig was rubbing circles onto his back soothingly.

"Aaaalrighty," Stan clapped, making his way to the pantry. "What are we hungry for?"

"TATER TOTS," Kenny shouted immeadieatley.

"Oooh, yeah! " Clyde agreed.

"How about that, and top ramen?" Stan took out a mega-pack of instant noodles his mom bought at Costco.

"Sounds good," Kyle hopped up on the counter and pulled out his phone.

Kenny walked over to Stan's freezer and pulled out a red package of tater tots. He bent down and preheated the oven then set the tots out on a baking tray.

Stan filled a large pot with water and put it on the stove. Stan turned it up to high and left it to sit.

"The lighting in your kitchen makes me uncomfortable," Craig said, breaking the silence.

Stan sighed. "Craig," He started. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Its better than fluorescent lighting but it's too dim. It makes me antsy," Craig handed Tolkien a glass of water.

"Thank you... for that... wonderful, observation," Stan said sarcastically. "But I quite like, the lighting in my kitchen."

"That's cause you're a tasteless idiot," Craig said nonchalantly.

Stan took a deep breath, letting the subject go.

Stan dropped to his knees and started searching his lower cabinets for a cast iron skillet. He grabbed one and set it on the stove, setting the heat at medium-high.

"What are you doing?" Cartman looked over Stan's shoulder.

"Making sauce for the ramen," Stan nudged Cartman away. "What's it look like?"

"Why?" Jimmy asked curiously.

"It tastes better than the flavor packets," Stan grabbed a few cloves of garlic, beginning to peel them.

"No way," Tweek raised on eyebrow.

"Trust me," Kyle said to them, not looking up from his phone. "It's better than the flavor packets."

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