Fun While It Lasted

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Kenny and Butters were only a few inches apart, both unsure of what the hell to do next.

Shit, shit, shit, Kenny repeated in his head. This was a stupid idea. What was I thinking? Was I thinking? Have I thought about literally anything that's happened tonight?

"Kenny?" Butters asked, resting his hand on Kenny's forearm. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," He said, glancing at Butters' lips.

"Am I allowed to kiss you please?" Butters asked nervously.

Kenny laughed. "Yeah, go nuts."

Butters let out a breathy laugh before leaning in and connecting their lips. Kenny parted his lips and Butters did the same, allowing either of them to take the kiss in pretty much any direction they wanted. Kenny was mildly surprised when Butters ran his tongue along his bottom lip, before slowly sliding his tongue into Kenny's mouth, deepening the kiss.

Kenny wrapped his hands around Butters' neck and Butters slowly and shyly put his arms around Kenny's waist.

Nevermind, previous self doubt, Kenny thought to himself as he took a step back so he was flush with the bed. Definitely a good idea.

Butters slowly laid Kenny down on Stan's bed, leaning over him. Kenny noticed Butters' nervous energy and rubbed his shoulder soothingly.

Butters sighed happily. He'd been thinking about this for so long, now that it was happening, it all felt so surreal.

Kenny tilted his head to the side and entangled a hand in Butters' hair.

"Hey dude," Kenny broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "Can you take your shirt off?"

"HUH?" Butters turned beet red and Kenny himself reddened a bit too.

"Nevermind," Kenny covered his face embarrassedly. "Ignore what I just said."

Butters looked down at Kenny before standing straight up pulling his shirt off. Kenny looked up at Butters through his fingers, his eyes wide.

Kenny sat up and started eyeing Butters up and down. Butters' arms were crossed embarrassedly across his chest, his face red.

Kenny reached up and pulled Butters back down, crashing their lips together. Butters made a muffled noise of shock but quickly sunk into the kiss again.

Kenny had his hands on Butters' shoulders, pulling him down. He hummed into the kiss, making Butters shudder.

Butters started moving further onto the bed when there was a series of three knocks at the door.

"I'm coming in and the others aren't far behind me. Pretend you've been cleaning," They heard Kyle's voice coming from the other side of the door as he began turning the knob. "I'm praying you've both got clothes on."

Kenny and Butters pulled apart, locking eyes in a panicked haze before turning to see Kyle in the doorway, a tired expression on his face.

"Oh wow," Kyle raised his eyebrows, looking between the two. "You guys sure had fun, didn't you?"

Kenny groaned, flopping his head back on the bed. Butters was trying to cover up as much of his chest as he could, scanning the floor for his shirt. He spotted it and grabbed it desperately, hearing the voices of their other friends out in the hall.

Butters yanked the shirt over his head but got stuck in the armhole. Kyle was watching the whole ordeal with an amused expression.

"I thought Kyle said you guys were cleaning up in here," Stan was the first to reach the doorway. He looked around disapprovingly. "It looks the same as when we left-"

Stan caught sight of Butters trying to get his shirt back on and Kenny lying red faced on the bed and turned to Kyle.

"Did they-" Stan started, trailing off as Kyle nodded. "Sick dude! Why'd you have to do it in my room?"

Kenny snorted. "Would you rather we make out in your parents room?" He sat up.

"Or Shelly's old room or something!" Stan gestured down the hall, then to his bed. "I sleep there!"

Butters had managed to get his shirt on properly (it was backwards, but it covered everything.) before the rest of them came in, all of them with bowls and forks. Craig was holding a large plate with the tots on it.

"Here you go," Clyde handed Butters and Kenny their share of the ramen.

Kenny narrowed his eyes at Stan. "Did you bring the barbecue sauce up?"

"I did," Tolkien handed the bottle to Kenny who poured some generously on the side of the massive plate of tater tots.

Cartman sat down and took a bite from his bowl. He chewed and paused. "Alright, fine. It's better than the flavor packets."

"Told you fatass," Kyle sat back down at his spot by the door.

They all made their way back to their seats. The clatter of silverware filled the room as they all ate in silence.

"I'm kinda tired," Clyde said, to no one in particular.

"First one to sleep gets p-p-p-p-p-pranked," jimmy smiled mischievously. "Sleep at y-your own risk."

"Stan? Where are we all sleeping tonight?" Kyle questioned, turning to face Stan.

"Ehm..." He thought for a moment. "I don't know actually."

"Soooo, are we just gonna sleep on the floor?" Craig asked.

"Just gimme a second. I'll figure it out," Stan narrowed his eyes in a thinking manner. "Do we all have to sleep in the same room or can we spread out around the house?"

"Is there anywhere we can sleep in the same room?" Kyle asked duly.

"I guess not," Stan said. "We can fit at least two in my bed, three-ish in the living room... two people in Shelly's old room and..." Stan looked around at everyone. "Anybody have a sleeping bag?"

No one said anything.

"Guess that's a no," Stan muttered. "We can always use my parents rooms. They have a king size bed so we could probably stick the last of you in there.

"Jimmy, Clyde and Tolkien, you guys can take my parents room. Kenny and Tweek, you guys sleep in Shelly's bed-" Stan was cut off.

"Why can't me and Craig sleep in the same bed?" Tweek complained.

"Because I don't want you two doing anything in my house. Same goes for you and Butters," Stan pointed at Kenny.

"I promise we won't Dude, please don't stick me with Kenny. He probably has fleas," Tweek begged.

"I do not."

"Fine. Tweek and Craig in Shelly's room, Kenny Cartman and Butters in the living room, and me and Kyle in my bed," Stan finished. "Does that work for everyone?"

"Yup," Clyde said sleepily.

"Go to bed whenever you want Clyde. Just let it be known that we can and will, prank you in your sleep," Kenny said.

"Wonderful," Clyde rolled his eyes.

Tolkien snorted. "So, do you guys wanna keep playing or do something else?"

That last line was a question for anyone who wants to answer it. Do you guys want to continue the truth or dare game or do you want to see something else? Let me know and I'll take whatever feedback I get into consideration. As always, thank you all so much for reading and Merry Christmas!!

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