Gotta Catch 'Em All

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"Alright, Kyle," Tweek sat up, looking around for the empty bottle they had previously used. He found it stashed in a corner. He picked it up and set it in the center of the room. "Spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you have to kiss on the lips."

"Alright then," Kyle crawled forward, grabbing the bottle. He flicked his wrist swiftly and the bottle began to spin. It went on for a while, before it finally landed on... Kenny. "Dammit."

"What's the matter?" Kenny smirked. "Worried you'll like it?"

"No, I was just hoping for different results," Kyle scoffed. 

"Yeah, go ahead. Call them 'different results' to make yourself feel better, but we all know you just wanted to make out with Stan again," Kenny smirked.

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with..."

He crawled over to where Kenny was sitting and sighed. Kenny grabbed the back of Kyle's neck and winked at him before leaning in. Kyle furrowed his brow as Kenny's lips met his. He pulled away quickly after, wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand.

"Blech," Kyle stuck his tongue out, sitting back down.

"Hey Kenny, Y'know What?" Stan said suddenly, laughing a bit.


"You've kissed four out of nine of the guests," Stan smirked. "Not including yourself of course."

Kenny thought for a moment, his eyes lighting up.

"Holy shit, you're right!" His face was a mix of pride and mischief. "I should go for nine out of nine."

"Hell yeah," Stan smirked. "C'mere dude."

Kenny obliged, moving towards Stan but making sure not to break contact with Butters.

"No homo dude," Stan smirked before pecking Kenny on the lips.

"Dude," Tweek looked downright disgusted. "That was very yes homo."

"It's not gay if you have socks on," Kenny shrugged. "Actually, Tweek, I need one from you to. You're the last one in the room I haven't gotten."

"No," Tweek shouts, mortified.

"Aww, come on!" Kenny begged. "Let me kiss you and then I'll never touch you again."

"I don't care about your fucking list dude," Tweek grimaced. "I'm not letting you."

"PLEASE," Kenny exhaled in an agonizing voice.

"NO," Tweek responded with the same tone.

"Craig, tell your boyfriend how important this is!"

Craig glanced at Tweek expectantly.

"Tweek... can you just-"

"Bruh," Tweek squinted. "Why would you help someone kiss me? "

"Chill, chill. I'm just the distraction," Craig smirked and Tweek noticed all too late what he'd said. Kenny was beside him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting back down, giggling.

"FUCK," Tweek shouted angrily in defeat.

"I win sucker," Kenny stuck his tongue out and stuck an 'L' with his fingers on his forehead.

"Your L is backwards jackass," Tweek rolled his eyes.

"Alright. That's six down, three to go," Kenny smirked.

"Chill gaywad," Kyle rolled his eyes. "Kenny, truth or dare?"


"It's about time..." Kyle muttered. "Most attractive part of the human body? Male, or female."

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