Clyde Donovan Takes A Bath

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Tweek was quite eager to fulfil the dare, speed walking to the hallway closet anxiously. He was tugging Craig behind him by their conjoint hands.

Tweek reached the door first and turned the knob, stepping inside, pulling Craig in after him with a firm tug.

"Babe, chill," Craig laughed. Tweek shut the door behind them.

"Oh, ho ho..." Tweek said tensely, his back to Craig. "You, have made it incredibly hard to chill tonight."

Craig smirked, despite his mild confusion.

"You've been a fucking tease all night!" He turned to face Craig. "You left your shirt buttons undone... you were riling me up in the kitchen... you labelled my dick yours for fuck's sake!"

Craig just stood there, greatly amused by Tweek's lecture. Tweek moved slowly closer, his hands at his sides.

"Now, we've got seven minutes..." Tweek whispered in Craig's ear, sending shivers down his spine. "Let's see what we can get done."

Tweek slowly pressed Craig against the wall, conjoining their lips. He didn't wait long before he slipped his tongue into Craig's mouth. He nipped slightly at Craig's bottom lip, earning a sharp exhale from Craig.

Tweek smirked and slid his hands under Craig's shirt, sliding his arms up and down Craig's torso.

Tweek broke the kiss, and began placing kisses along Craig's jawline. He made his way down further, until he was at Craig's collarbone. Tweek lingered there for awhile, sucking and nipping at the skin there, earning a few breathy moans from Craig.

Craig used one hand to cup the side of Tweek's face, pulling him back up and into the kiss. His other hand was on Tweek's shoulder, slowly trailing downwards.

"Mm..." Tweek sighed, Craig's hand slowly getting lower and lower. Tweek broke the kiss. "Craig."

"Hm?" Craig muttered, joining their lips again. His hand had snaked down to the top of Tweek's jeans. He stopped there, waiting for some form of confirmation.

"Can you..." Tweek started embarrassedly.

"What do you want me to do honey?" Craig asked between kisses.

"Please don't make me ask..." Tweek blushed, fully pulling away from the kiss, locking eyes with Craig.

Craig smiled toothily. "I'm gonna make you ask."

"MMMM," Tweek moaned grumpily, rubbing his face with one hand. "Fine. Craig fucker, will you suck me off?"

Craig knew the answer was going to be yes, but he decided to have a little more fun with Tweek.

"Can you ask nicely?" Craig said in a patronizing voice.

"RRRRGGHGG," Tweek groaned. "You have got to be the most sexually frustrating human being on the earth."

"Oh please," Craig cocked one hip to the side. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

"FINE," Tweek sighed grumpily. "Please, will you suck me off?"

"There you go," Craig kissed Tweek once more before dropping to his knees in front of him.

                                     * * *

"Hey Clyde, how much time is left on the timer?" Stan leaned over.

"T-They've got three and a h-h-h-half minutes," Jimmy responded for Clyde, who looked half dead.

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