Craig Gets Bitches

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"Let's play for a little longer and then we can see if we want to do something else," Butters suggested. His hair was a mess and he looked extremely frazzled. Kenny found it endearing.

"Can I go?" Clyde asked. "I don't remember who was up."

"Sure," Kenny shrugged.

"Kyle, truth or dare?" Clyde asked.


"I dare you, to," Clyde fluttered his eyes. "Fluster Stan. Any way you choose.

Uh oh... Stan thought worriedly.

Kyle shrugged, shifting slightly so he was sitting in front of Stan. He took a deep breath before putting his hands on either side of Stan's head against the wall. Stan looked up at Kyle, hesitantly.

"K-Kyle?" Stan knocked his fists together nervously. "What are you doing?"

Kyle got really close, to the point we're his and Stan's lips were inches apart.

"Do you want to play titanic?" Kyle sad in a husky voice, smirking. "You be the iceberg and I'll go down." Kyle licked his lips and Stan's eyes widened.

Kyle was enjoying the reactions he was getting from Stan, so he decided to keep going. So what if he'd already fulfilled his dare? Can't he have a little fun?

Stan was having a tough time keeping whatever cool he had under control. His head was filled with thoughts and temptations that he never planned on acting on especially not in front of all of their friends. Kyle looked so... different. Stan liked seeing him like this.

And I mean really liked it.

"Kyle," Stan said, a little warningly. "Chill."

Kyle dropped his voice so only Stan could hear. "Y'know, we're sharing a bed tonight. Imagine the possibilities," Stan was bright red in the face as Kyle came closer with every word. "Just you and me... alone in the room. Anything you want, right at your fingertips~ Your wish is my command. I live to please darling. I'll make it so you can't wa-"

"HRK-" Stan jolted forward, head butting Kyle accidentally and covering his mouth with his hand as he pushed Kyle back, lunging for the garbage can next to him. He shoved his head in it and puked up the entire contents of his stomach. Kyle sat back and watched, laughing, feeling guilty but also kind of... accomplished in a way.

"Looks like somebody can't handle his alcohol...!" Kenny  teased. Stan flipped him off, his face still buried in the trash can.

"Hhhmmmm," Stan whined, banging his forehead on the side of the bin when he was done. "Kyle. You can't just say stuff like that."

"S-sorry dude," Kyle patted his back. "I didn't mean to make you vomit... I thought it was funny."

Stan swatted his hand away grumpily.

"Don't be upset," Kyle gave him a sympathetic look as Stan sat back down next to him.

Kyle hesitated, before winding an arm around Stan's waist, his hand resting on Stan's hip.

"I'm still pissed," Stan glared up at Kyle.

"You liked it though," Kyle whispered to him.

"SHUT YOUR FILTHY, GOD DAMN MOUTH," Stan whacked his knee, glaring at him.

"What'd he say?" Kenny asked curiously.

"Nothing..." Kyle muttered.

"Ah yes," Eric batted his eyes. "Kyle please, whisper sweet, gay nothings into my ear!"

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