'Loosen up!'

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"What where you two talkin' about?" Butters asked nervously.

"Nothing," Stan said, waving off the topic easily. "Jimmy, go."

"Alright fellas, T-Tweek, truth or dare?" Jimmy asked.

"Rrgghg, Truth!" Tweek said, taking a sip from his mug of coffee that he had made in Stan's kitchen.

"Hmmm...." Jimmy tapped a finger against his chin. "Tweek, who's your least favorite person in the room?"

"Cartman," Tweek said, not missing a beat.

"EY!" Eric shouted as the rest of them started laughing. They all knew knew the answer, but it was fun hearing it from other people's mouths.

"Butters, truth or dare?" Tweek's left eye twitched a little.

"I don't know.... truth, I guess," he fidgeted nervously.

"Ehmm.... If you were gay, who in the group would you want to date?" Tweek took another long sip from his cup of coffee.

Butters' eyes darted quickly to Kenny, a blush rising to his cheeks before he responded-

"I'm not sure.... maybe T-Tolkien?" He rushed out, trying to make it convincing.

Kyle wasn't sure if he was imagining the slightest look of disappointment on Kenny's face.

"Why Tolkien?" Stan asked, as Kyle looked over at him.

"Uhhmm.... because..?" Butters tried.

"Because why?" Stan pushed. Butters was getting redder by the second and he looked about ready to vomit or cry or both.

Suddenly a thought popped into Butters'  Head.

"Well, I don't want to d-date any of you, but Tolkien is rich so there's one prop of dating him,"

"Yeah," Clyde cut in with a blank face. "He's in my phone as 'Sugar Daddy.'"

A collective, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" went around the room as Clyde realized what he'd said and started laughing at himself. Tolkien was side-eyeing Clyde with a look of confusion on his face.

"Not like that you dumb asses," Clyde laughed. "He's just rich and buys me things. Even when I tell him not to. You really earned you're name there." Clyde winked, slapping Tolkien on the knee.

"Dude, you know that's like.... really wierd, right?" Craig said with a slight look of disgust on his face.

Clyde shrugged, "I don't really care. I find it quite funny actually."

"Kyle, truth or dare?" Butters asked.

"Dare," Kyle propped his hands up behind his head, against the wall he was sitting against.

"I dare you...." Butters didn't know what would be a good dare at first, but soon, one came to him. "To take a swig, of the S'mores Schnopps that Clyde brought."

Kyle nervously reached for the bottle, Some others boys cheering him on, a few of them complimenting Butters on the dare. As he opened it, the smell hit his nose and he grimaced. Kyle lifted the bottle to his mouth, before taking a huge gulp and setting it down on the carpet. It burned down his throat, stinging all the way down. He coughed a little and Stan Pat him on the back as he leaned back against the wall.

"Alright," Kyle cleared his throat. "Tolkien, truth or dare?"

"I guess truth," Tolkien said. "I don't want to have to drink alcohol against my will."

"How do you feel about the fact that Clyde, has you as 'Sugar Daddy' in his phone?" Kyle asked. He was feeling a bit weird, considering that was the first sip of straight alcohol he'd had that he could remember. His dad had let Kyle have a sip of his beer sometimes if he asked, but he'd never tried that much alcohol at once before.

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