Stay In Touch!

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Kenny stood up and placed a hand on Butters' shoulder, making sure not to break contact. Butters' face was slowly turning a deep red. Kenny, the boy he'd had a crush on since they were kids, was taking his pants off right in front of him. And, he was going to keep them off for the remainder of the night.


Very exciting.

Kenny hooked one hand under his waistband, and tugged them down. He then set his foot on Butters' shin and used his other hand to take his pants completely off. He stepped out of the leg holes, and picked up his pants, throwing them across the room and on top of his bag.

Butters looked up nervously. Kenny had on a baggy T-shirt so his underwear weren't visible. It looked like he wasn't wearing anything but his T-shirt.

Butters looked down quickly, avoiding eye contact as best he could.

Kenny looked down at him, slightly confused but he just shrugged and sat back in Butters' lap.

Butters felt like his face was on fire. He had to get away for a second. Reset and then be back, totally chill and capable of handling anything.

"I'm gonna go change," Butters bopped Kenny on the leg, signalling that he was going to stand up.

"Uhh, Butters," Kyle smirked. "You know you've gotta take Kenny with you. Right?"

Butters paused in the middle of moving Kenny out of his lap with a blank expression. He inhaled deeply.

HAMBURGERS! FUCKING DAMMIT! AAGGGHH- Butters screamed internally. Why, why, why, why, why must this happen to ME?

"Oh yeah," Kenny laughed. "I've gotta be touching you at all times."

"Oh..." Butters gave a faint smile. "Right."

"BAHAHAHAHAHA," Cartman laughed loudly.

"Alright," Kenny stood up, making sure to keep his socked foot on Butters' shin as he did so. He reached out his hand expectantly. "Away we go..."

"I... I don't really need to change..." Butters rubbed the back of his neck.

Kenny cocked an eyebrow. "You're, going to sleep in jeans? I think the fuck not."

Kenny's right, Butters sighed, grabbing Kenny's hand and standing up. I hate sleeping in jeans.

Butters grabbed his overnight bag and walked down the hall with Kenny. They came to the bathroom door and Butters opened it reluctantly.

So much for 'cooling off...' he thought, shutting the door behind him.

"Alright so how're we gonna do this?" Kenny put his free hand on his hip.

God, he was beautiful.

"Uhm... I can get my pants off and on pretty easy with our... our hands touching but I don't know about..." Butters trailer off.

"Your shirt," Kenny finished for him. "Here just start by-" Kenny removed his hand from his hip and went to tug at the hem of Butters' shirt. Butters jumped a little at first, but soon surrendered to letting Kenny figure it out. He pulled it up to his nipples. Kenny stopped and stared without realising it, biting his lip and looking Butters up and down slowly.

"K-kenny..." Butters blushed.

"Oh! Sorry."

Kenny pulled it over Butters' free arm and then his head. He stopped and pondered for a moment before deciding to switch wich hand he was holding and then he got Butters shirt completely off.

"Damn..." Kenny muttered, making a clicking noise as he stared at Butters' torso.

"Kenny," Butters looked down at him. Dammit was this tempting. They're both half naked in a closed bathroom. Butters was flushing at the thoughts that were filling his head. He turned his head quickly, avoiding eye contact.

"Ahh," Kenny snapped back into himself, grabbing Butters a fresh shirt from his bag. "Okay, just put it on like this..."

Kenny reached up to help Butters put on a fresh shirt.

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