The Plan

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"Butters, truth or dare?" Tolkien stole Jimmy's coke and took a sip.

"Truth," Butters answered nervously.

"Do you like Kenny?" Tolkien asked. He had slowly picked up on Stan and Kyle's 'plan' and had decided he wanted in. Partially because it was fun to annoy people and also because he was becoming bored with the game.

Little did Kyle and Stan know that the rest of them had deducted their own plan while they were gone...

"Well, w-what do you mean by that?" Butters looked at Kenny who had already been staring at him.

"Don't play dumb," Tolkien smirked. "Do you have a thing for Kenny or not? It's a simple question."

Kenny was watching Butters eagerly with a look of hope on his face.

"M-maybe a little bit..." Butters looked like an overgrown tomato, he was so red.

WOOHOO!! LETS FUCKING GOOOO! Kenny celebrated in his head.

"Awwww," Stan teased, putting a hand to his face and batting his eyes. "Butters is in love."

"Shut up Stan," Butters blushed, hiding his face. "E-Eric, truth or dare?"


"I dare you, to not eat until your next turn," Butters said, kind of at a loss for ideas. The alcohol was messing with his head a bit and he didn't like it.

"Fine," Cartman rolled his eyes. "Clyde, truth or dare?"


"Do you want Tolkien to fuck you once you guys are maaarried?" Cartman sing-songed.

Clyde's jaw dropped a bit and Tolkien just looked at Cartman.

"Dude," Craig said, wide-eyed.

"Clyde, it's okay, you don't have t-" Tolkien started, putting a hand on Clyde's shoulder.

"He has to answer," Eric laughed devilishly. "It's part of the game."

"We all know that, Fatass," Clyde snapped at Cartman. "The answer is yes," Clyde said, quickly continuing his answer. "BECAUSE, i'd like to have sex with my future spouse and that's the only reason why." Clyde blushed a bit. "Not because it's Tolkien."

"Pfft. Sure," Craig said sarcastically.

"Oh be quiet," Clyde grumped. "Kyle, truth or dare?"

"Ehhhhmm.... dare," he responded.

Clyde smirked at the circle, giving Eric a small nod before stealing Jimmy's coke bottle and chugging what was left.

"What the h-h-h-hell is up with people stealing m-my drink?" He punched Clyde in the shoulder.

"Spin it. Whoever it lands on, you have to play seven minutes in heaven with," Clyde smirked.

Kyle shrugged, trying to play it off like he wasn't nervous. He took the bottle from Clyde, placing it in the center of the circle. He gave it a swift spin and went back to his seat, waiting anxiously for it to stop.

Please let it be Stan, please let it be Stan... Kyle started hoping but then his real priorities came to mind.
Please don't let it be Cartman, please don't let it be Cartman...

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