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"Truth," Jimmy responded to Tweek.

"Did you really cheat in the special Olympics by using steroids?" Tweek questioned.

"A little bit..." Jimmy gave a cheeky smile. "It was w-w-w-wrong though and I wouldn't do it again. Kenny, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Kenny was leaning back in Butters lap, looking through the photos he got of Stan and Kyle and laughing to himself.

"I d-d-d-d-dare you, to let all of us go through your phone for two minutes," Jimmy smirked.

Kenny shrugged and handed his phone over to Jimmy. The rest of them crowded around the phone in a huddle.

Jimmy set a timer on Kenny's phone for two minutes and then began searching through it.

Jimmy decided to look through Kenny's text messages first, opening the app and clicking on the first name he saw.

"Who the hell is 'Crusty rat turd?'" Kyle asked, looking up at Kenny.

"Oh, that's Kevin," he said offhandedly.

They all read the conversation silently.

"Boring!" Clyde shouted.

"Alright. We c-c-c-c-could check his search history next," Jimmy switched apps.

They were all around Jimmy, looking at the phone, curious as to what they would find. They kept scrolling for a bit longer before losing interest.

"This is boring. There isn't anything good," Craig complained, going back to his spot and sitting down. "There isn't any good stuff."

"What can I say," Kenny smirked. "I'm good at hiding things."

A few of the others lost interest, them too going to sit back in there seats.

"Why do you have a shirtless photo of-" Clyde started, but was cut off, both by the timer, and by Kenny snatching his phone back.

"That's enough of that," Kenny blushed.

"Shirtless photo of who? " Stan asked, intrigued.

"No one," Kenny was glaring at Clyde who was laughing his head off. "Cartman, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Eric was trying to figure out what the next move should be on their plan, to get Stan and Kyle together. If only they knew what was going on...

* * *

~Some time earlier~

"Hey Kyle," Stan stood up and looked down at his friend. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uhm.... sure, I guess," Kyle said standing up and walking from the room with Stan.

"Awhhhh you gonna go make out with your boyfriend  now Kahl?" Cartman yelled, just before they closed the door.

"I wonder what they're talking about...." Tweek muttered, Partially to himself, Partially to the group.

"They're probably confessing their undying love for each other," Kenny smirked. "I wouldn't be surprised if they've liked each other since first grade."

"Do they really like each other?" Butters asked Kenny.

"I mean, I think so, but that's not saying much," Kenny thought for a moment. "They would make a decent couple though."

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