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"C-C-Craig, truth or dare?" Jimmy stuttered out.

"Dare. I don't trust you guys anymore," Craig crossed his arms.

"You've j-j-j-j-just put yourself in a much worse position," Jimmy smirked at a nervous Craig. "I dare you, to w-w-w-w-whisper the dirtiest th-thing, you can imagine into Tweek's ear."

Craig smiled deviously and went up to an embarrassed Tweek's ear.

"EW!" Tweek's shouted, shoving Craig away.

"Damn dude, what did you say? " Clyde asked curiously.

"Nothing," Tweek glared at Craig, who was laughing his head off. "He just licked my ear."

"I'm sorry," Craig caught his breath. Tweek rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, just lemme think."

"Hurry up dude," Kyle kicked him. "The rest of us want to play the game too."

"Alright," Craig went up to Tweek's ear. "For real this time babe."

All of them watched as Tweek's face grew deeper in color. He scrunched his legs up a bit, staring off into space.

"S-shit..." Tweek said, covering his face with his hand.

Craig sat back down, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"What'd he say?" Kenny asked.

Tweek shrugged embarrassedly.

"Fine then. Don't tell us," Stan crossed his arms. "Your turn Craig."

"Tolkien, truth or dare?" Craig asked, still amused at the reaction he got out of Tweek.


"What's the worst thing you've ever sent to the wrong number? " Craig asked.

"I once accidentally sent a photo of an alcoholic drink I had to my Dad," Tolkien rubbed the back of his neck. "That didn't go over very well... Kyle, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Kyle said nonchalantly. He was tangled up in his thoughts. Why would Stan do that? Were unnecessary kisses okay now? Why'd he act shocked when Kyle kissed back? Was there a double standard there or is Kyle just being paranoid? What if-

"Kyle!" Tolkien nudged him with his foot. "Are you even listening? "

"Oh! Y-yeah, sorry..." Kyle scratched his head. "But umm... what did you say again?"

Tolkien sighed. "I said 'kiss, fuck, lick,' with Clyde, Kenny and Stan."

Kyle thought for a moment. "What the hell is 'kiss, fuck, lick'?"

"I think it's more interesting than 'kiss marry kill'," Tolkien shrugged.

"Okay, uhmmm... I'd probably kiss Kenny, because I don't want to have sex with him, seeing as he probably can't afford protection for either of us and I don't want to lick him because ew, gross, I have no clue where he's been, I'd lick Clyde because I won't lick Kenny and I don't want to fuck Clyde because... well, y'know. He's... Clyde. And I'd fuck Stan because..."

"Because you want to," Cartman smirked.

"You shut your fat mouth or so help me God, I will destroy you," Kyle glowered at Eric, who was looking at him challengingly.

Cartman scoffed. "You're just pissed cause I'm right."

Kyle and Cartman's fighting was background noise as Stan sat there, a blush making its way up his cheeks.

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