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"Guys," Tolkien said in a warning tone. "We're not gonna prank Clyde."

"Why not? " Kenny whined, disappointed.

"Because he's sleeping!" Tolkien really thought that the answer was obvious, but apparently he was wrong.

"But that's what makes it fun," Craig smirked.

"Just let him sleep guys," Kyle waved the sun Jeff off with a wave of his hand. "Tolkien isn't gonna let us lay a finger on his precious little taco anyways."

Tolkien thought for a second.

"When have I ever called Clyde 'my taco'?"

Kyle shrugged. "Clyde likes tacos. I guess I just assumed."

"Is anyone else tired?" Tweek asked, not looking all that sleepy himself. "Should we all go to bed?"

"NOOOO!" Kenny protested enthusiastically. "I'm not tired! I can go aaaallll night."

"Jeez dude, you're like a child," Kyle rolled his eyes with a smile as Stan laughed.

"I say just go to bed whenever you feel like it," Stan shrugged. "But, let it be known, when I'm tired, I'm kicking all of you out of my room so I can sleep."

"How rude," Craig huffed.

"Kenny, truth or dare?" Stan lifted his arms above his head, stretching. His shirt lifted, to reveal a sliver of his pale stomach and Kyle glanced briefly at it, blushing.

"Dare!" Kenny, clearly had one too many cups of Mountain Dew, because he was all jittery and excited. Tweek eyed him nervously.

Stan paused, thinking. He was kind of at a loss of ideas. What could he make Kenny do..?

Stan, apparently letting his drunken brain go on vacation, had an idea he thought was splendid.

"At least one part of your body, has to be touching Butters at all times," Stan smirked. "If you break contact, even for a second, before the game end, get to create a punishment of my choice."

Kenny thought for a second before swinging his legs over to rest in Butters' lap. Butters was startled by the sudden contact but shrugged it off, setting his hands on Kenny's knees.

"Tolkien, truth or dare?" Kenny flipped onto his back, looking up at him.

"Truth," Tolkien looked up from his phone at the sound of his name.

"Do you like Clyde?" Kenny asked eagerly.

"Maybe... maybe just a little bit," Tolkien confessed. "I think he still likes Bebe though."

"Why would you think that? " Craig asked vigorously with a confused expression.

"Why?" Tolkien perked up. "Did he say something to you??"

"Ahhhh..." Craig stared into space, his jaw dropped. A confused expression settled on his face before he answered. "No."

"Jesus Craig..." Tweek rubbed his forehead with his hand.

"What?!" Craig looked over to Tweek. "I said no!"

"Mmmm..." Tweek rubbed his hand down his face and sighed. "You- you just... the way you say things..."

"Oohhh," Craig nodded. "The thing we talked about. Tone and stuff like that."

"Mhm," Tweek rubbed Craig's back. Craig looked guilty. "It's okay honey."

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