1. It's still the same

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I run to grandpa when we arrive at home. I hug him and cry loudly. I cant believe and refuse to accept tonight accident. I cry sadly in his grandpa arms. He keep comforting me and I cry harder when my husband get into the house and pretend nothing happen.
Stop crying, go to your room he said. I look at him and continue crying. Mile stop it , his grandpa scold him. He just laugh and walk to us. Lets go baby he said gently now. I try to refuse him. He just chuckle and casually lift and carry me to our room.  I quickly grab his neck and hug him.  Stop crying he said when we are in our room. Again i refuse to look at him. He now gently hold my chin and make me look at him. Phi already ask you nicely, and now why this tears , he ask me a bit firm. I dont said anything  and continue crying. Okay enough, dont you miss me he ask me. Still sobing, I refuse to answer him. I miss you so much baby, now I am home, stop playing, I wont let you work anymore he said soft but firm. I look at him pitifully. No, not anymore he said firmly.

Come here, he gently call me and reluctantly go to him. Phi, I said and hug him. He hug and kiss my forehead. How are you baby, he ask me dearly. Stop being angry, he said again. I miss you too, I said and hug him tight. Are you having fun he ask me. I nod and but refuse to look at him.  Good boy, he said dearly again. Will you leave me again, I ask sadly. No, I wont, everything already in order, he said. Really, I ask him and look at him with my glittering eyes. Yes, he said and peck my lips. Promise, I ask again. Promise baby, he said and kiss my nose this time.
I cant help but hug him tight. I am still sad I said and he just chuckle.

I know no one dare to talk or publish any news about my husband. He is someone who are respected  and feared by everyone,  even the government and royal family depend on our family.
He is that powerful.
What are you thinking, he ask me and kiss my hair. Are you okay, he ask me. I look at him with my blushing face. I cant feel my legs, I said slowly. He just chuckle and kiss me again.
I snuggle closer to him. I miss you I said slowly.

He look sweet and nice to me. But honestly I still scare of my own husband. It just I don't have anyone in this world and he is my only family. After being his husband for 2 years, I still scare and very obedient to him. He let me stay with grandpa for one year because he dont want anything happen to me while he is not around. He is the richest guy and also the scariest mafia. Until now, I don't know why he choose me to be his partner. He is so handsome and rich. He have all quality that every man and woman want. I just an orphan that he suddenly force to marry him. I cant even refuse or fight him, because I was so scared. I see how he burn my orphanage , the place I work  before, and kill the orphanage guardian when he know how they molested the kids under their care. Luckily, I was safe by my husband when they try to rape me. I nearly hit by his car when I run from the orphanage guardian. I really scare when I see a group of people look at me and he suddenly carry me to his car. He ask his doctor to treat me. After recover, I ask permission to leave, I never see him after the accident. That when he come and  see me with the proposal. I really shock. But he promise he will safe all the kids in the orphanage if I marry him. I try to reject him but I really cant leave the kids. I still remember the day he burn the orphanage and the guardian.  He close my eyes with his hand but I can hear how they screaming. Since that day, I know he is someone who can kill without blink.

Now I am back to my old routine. Living in glass castles. I have everything here except for freedom. I am happy when he allow me to work at the orphanage he build for the kids he safe before. I work there nearly one year when grandpa suggest me to work while waiting for him. I love the kids so much. Now when he is back, I need to focus on him and he dont allow me to do anything.
Regarding last night event, I cant believe how he kiss me infront of the kids and media while doing a event with the state charity. He just kiss me in front of all attendees and carry me home just like that. I felt so shy when the kids laughing at me. I also felt guilty because I cant say proper good bye to the kids and my friends.

Are you hungry , he ask me. I nod and look at him. Lets clean up , he said and bring me to the toilet. He keep kissing me at any where he want. I really cant do anything. After change to comfortable cloth, our helper bring the food and we silently enjoy our late breakfirst. I still wondering,  why he still at home today but I dont dare to ask.
I eat slowly and look how busy he is. People keep calling but he just ignore all that and focus on our brunch. Phi, I am okay, you can go to work if you want, I said slowly. He look at me firmly. You hate to be with me, he ask me firmly. I quickly shake my head. Word, he said. No, I dont mean that , I said slowly. I can feel my tears. Eat, he said and leave me alone. When he leave, I cant hold my tears anymore. I quickly wipe my tears.  I dont want to cry. He hate when I cry. Are you done, he suddenly ask. I look at him and nod. After he bring me to our bed, he just leave without a word. So, it's still the same I said .

Happy new year
2024 please be nice to all of us🥰
New year 🎁

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