2.I cant control myself

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I do it again. He just worry but I scold him for no reason. I cant said a word but leave him alone. Giving him permision to work with the orphanage already stress me out. My grandpa ask me to be more considerate. I just cant let him be like other people. I want him to be him forever so I can felt like human. I want to believe there is a single person in this world who are genuine and real. I also knew he was send to me for a reason.
He, is just common student who work as a waiter to continue his life. As an orphan, studying is a privilege.  So he need to work extra hard. Since the day I saw him, he never lost his smile. Even being in tough situation, he still smile and be kind to everyone.

Flash back

Are you okay phi, he ask me worrily when he see me. He look scare when he see my bloody hand. Are you hurt, he ask me again. I dont response to him but keep looking on my enemy. Wait, he said and run back to the shop. My people still not arrive when he come back with water. Dont be scare, I wont hurt you he said. I nearly laugh. Go away, I said coldly when I see a few people running to me. For the first time, I want to save a stranger. I dont want him to be a victim in the middle of gang war. 
He look shock, I hope you will be fine he said before leave me with the water. 
Since that day, like a stalker when I felt stress or angry, I will come to see his smile. I know everything about him, how his life is not as easy as other people. His parent involve in accident make him an orphan at 2 years old. When no one from his relatives willing to take care of him , he was send to the orphanage house. Since then, he live alone in this world. The strugle living in an orphan, being poor and what not never erase his smile. He still become a honest kind guy.

Finally after months of looking at him, I get into the shop when i cant see him for two days. I was inform, he was offered to work at old orphanage house which need young guy like him. Being the kindest person, he agree to help. Maybe God finally pity me. When I go to the orphanage, I can see he running from someone and due to his panic he cross the road without looking.  Luckily, it was me and I am already notice him. It not that I hit him, but actually he hit my car and fell down. Looking at his torn cloth, I can figure out the reason he run.
I bring him to my room , that make my team look at me with wide mouth. I ask my personal doctor to treat him. Luckily he only have scratches and he faint because he is scare and shock. Once he awake, he beg me to save the kids in the orphanage. He beg me to save them from being a victim of pedophile. He only work there for two days, but he really care and sincere about them. Once I know the reason he run away, my team immediately safe the kids and cacth the crazy pedophile.
He ask permission to leave when he become healthy but suddenly i felt greedy.  I dont want to lose someone like him. Then I come out with a proposal.
I manipulate his situation and force him to accept my proposal.  I used the kids safety in the orphanage as a exchange of his agreement to marry me.
I bring him to the orphanage and let him see with his own eyes, how I burn the house and that  crazy pedophile. He is shaking with fear and I finally close his eyes with my hand. I dont want to force him too much. When the screaming stop, he again fell down and fainted.
He finally agree to my proposal because his love to the kids. After our marriage , I never let him go out from our mansion. I dont want him to be in danger. I isolate him from the world because i want him to stay pure and kind. I dont want him to change. I really need him as him now so that i will trust human and become one.

Flashback end.

After a year in a prison that I choose to be in because of our mafia issue, I can see he look a bit happy and become close with my grandpa. I can see how scare he is, when I inform him that I will not comeback for 1 year. Even he is force to be my husband, he still being a kind guy and treat me like his husband. I make him stay at my grandpa for his safety.
Before I leave I hug him tight and promise to come back. I make sure everything are prepared for him. But when my grandpa suggest to let him work because he still worry and sad after a few months, I cant do anything except for agree with his suggestion.  Again I make sure everything is under my control and let him play with the kids. As a beautiful kind person, he try his best to help the children.  With my grandpa support, he manage to make a few project to help the needy for a long time. With his smile and kindness,  he suddenly well known because of his charity program. Some of the supporters are genuine to help the needy, but some of them are trying to get close to him. That why, the first thing I do when I get out of jail, I go to his charity event and claim him there. Without any word I kiss him infront of the people and bring him home. Because of that, he cry non stop. It's a big changes. Normally he dont express his feeling. But I also know,he cry because he is so suprise to see me. When he request me to continue his charity work, I firmly deny him. Then with a smile he nod and continue his life like always.
I miss him so much. He still my husband who will be pink and red when I do him. He still ackward and shy when I being intimate and demanding. Just like before he only cry and moaning when I do him. Its already been a year, of course I can't control myself.

Happy new year
2024 please be nice to all of us🥰
New year 🎁

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