19.I love you

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I look at bible with wide mouth. Of course I love him, I reply firmly. How can he think that he is just short excitement of my life. He told win, I ask bible. No directly, but he have no Confidence in your relationship bible said. He is too scare and he is living with your sympathy. He live the way you want, he even can stop breathing if you ask him , bible said again. He thought you will leave him when you feel bored of him later,  bible said slowly. He try to calm me down. Talk and try to convince him gently, bible said before he leave my office.

I look at my husband picture. How can he think that I will let him go. He will live and die with me. I told him thousands times. He need your love , I keep hearing what bible said. I love him, dont he feel it , I ask myself. I am willing to die for him. How cant he dont feel it. I know I am rough man but this is who I am. A mafia gang leader. I cant focus on my work and quickly go to my husband.
Like always he smile happily when he see me. Hi phi, he greet me happily. After Mike case, he become cheerful like his old self. He now learning martial art with his helper. What happen I ask when I see his bruise arm. I learn boxing today and it's hard , he said with pouty mouth. But I love it, he quickly said before I said something. Stop this martial art thing, I don't want strong husband, I already strong enough to protect both of us, I said. But I want to protect you too , he said innocently. I dont need you to protect me, I have bunch of man who willing to die for me. I need you in my bed. I refuse strong hard muscle guy in my bed,  I said clearly. He look at me with wide eyes and mouth. Phi, he slowly said and getting red. I dont want to love rough man, I said again. Love, he ask slowly. Stop all of this, I will protect you forever , so learn to seduce me not this stupid martial art , I said firmly. Phi, he said and close my mouth and look at his helper. They try to hide their smile. Wont you, I ask him when his helper leave us alone. I dont know how, he said with blushing face. Dont worry, I will teach you because you will be with me forever, I said. Forever , he ask me. Yes, are you planning to leave me, I ask him firmly. No, he quickly reply.
There is no way and chance for you to leave me, so put in your heart that we will alway together untill our last breath I said. He look at me and become teary. Are you understand now, I ask him. He nod and hug me tight.


You can be a bit demanding now, bible said. I just smile and shake my head. After I know that phi mile never plan to let me go and maybe love me I still behave like usual. I cant let my self act like metawin. He is still cold and scary husband but I know he try hard to change for me. Its more than enough.
Somehow we become each other comfort person. Even I am alone in this world, I felt safe and loved when I am with phi mile. I am also become his comfort zone when he back from his dark world. I love when he try to be as normal as he can when he is with me.
He now start giving me space that I desprately need before but weirdly I really don't need it now. I am happiest when I am with phi mile in what ever reason. I love how he start let me expose to the world but honestly I only love to be in his world. I think I love him in any second of my life.

Now I am accepting that my husband are not bible or normal husband. He is my husband who are different from anyone. He is cold and ruthless but will die for me. He is quiet but he listen to me . He is rough but he care about me.
He is just different. I dont feel jelous of metawin now, I just grateful for being my husband partner. He, himself are enough for me. I dont need anything.

Are you okay baby, he ask me after our steamy night. I nod and hug him to avoid his eyes. He slowly chuckle. I am happy that I can bring smile and laugh to my husband even I am not good in seducing him. This is more than enough. It more than what I pray for. If anyone ask me how I feel right now. I still answer that I scare of my husband because he is not some common people but now I can add that I love him and happy to be with him.
What are you thinking , he ask me and touch my nose. I shake my head. Are you planning to leave me, he ask me firmly. I just smile. No, I wont, I said. Thank you phi , for finding me. I said slowly. He now look at me gently. Thank you for being pure and kind person, he said. You make me feel like human, please dont change he said calmly. I look into his eyes. I choose you because you make me feel like human and I love you because you never change even after everything happen In your life. I look at him try to find any lies. I love you, I wont regret how I get you because i will love you all mylife he said clear and gently. You can't run from me he said firmly. I smile and kiss his lips. I love you too phi.

The end
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