14. How to be normal

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The first person come into my mine when I was shot is bright. Bible and Mike run to me. Jeff and his team quickly make a human shield.  Bring bright to me,  I said to bible. Mike and jeff quickly bring me to the hospital.  Jeff look at me worrily.  Focus, I said and he nod his head.

After my operation, I ask the medic team for my husband.  I dont allow any anesthesia because I really need to check on something. There is no possibility I will shot in this event base on usual setup. It either we have rat in our team or we have betrayal.  So my security is in jeopardise.  The only person I can trust now is my brother.

I never felt easy until I see my husband and make sure he is safe in my arms. 
He must cry a lot. I can see how swollen his eyes is.  But he still smile when he see me. Sometime the smile that I love the most become the most irritated smile during time like this. When he secured in my hug, I finally let myself down, I start feel the pain and tired. I hug him tight because of pain. But like always, his smell really calm me down. After a while of strugle, I finally sleep. I can feel how my husband caress my hair before fall asleep. He must stay up all night waiting for me. That why when I leave home for anything,  I leave him in calm manner. I make sure he sleep or in calm conditions.  He wont felt restless like last night.

I know he listen to Mike word. I can feel his is shaking. I wait to see how he react but he just lying there like a stupid guy. His soft sobs really break my heart. He try his best to not crying. I cant pretend anymore and kiss his head. He look at me with glittering eyes. Again he try to smile when I ask him. He said he is worry and he try his best to hide his sadness. He look so cute and pitiful when I heard his stomage . After  I release him,  he quickly tidy himself before ask my man to come. When he open the door all my man get into the room but really quiet.  All of them felt guilty.  Mike, can you find some food for my husband, I ask Mike who look at me with wide eyes. Phi, it's okay,  I am not hungry,  my husband said quickly.  He never interupt me in any way. What make him this desperate.  I already prepare the food, win said. He look at win gratefully. I just look at my husband. He slowly come to me and stand infront of me to block me from everyone. Please phi, he beg slowly. I am really angry right now. Is he this stupid all this time. His desperate eyes make me more angry, but I really can't scold him right now. Kiss me, I said. I know everyone can hear me. He look at me with his big eyes again begging me to stop. I really need to punish this stupid guy. How come he allow himself being bullied to this extent.  I look at him coldly. He slowly peck my lips and quickly leave me and go to metawin.

Jeff come and start reporting everything.  Not once I ask about apo. I am beyond angry.  It not because I was shot, but I lost a few members because of his stupid action. I really cant understand what make him act like this. I clearly mention, I don't want any fight on bright birthday. I wont get involve in anything on his birthday. I want to be there for him as myself at least once In a year. Bos, apo at ward next to you, jeff said even he know I really angry right now. Please, jeff said.  I know he is in tough situation. We have been friend and comrades since our teenage years. I trust both of them more than my own self. I put my life in their hand for a thousand times. Apo and jeffi are my right and left hand. If for someone else, I wont come but because its apo, I leave my beautiful husband alone on his birthday. 

I don't let him out of my eyes. I make sure he stay in the ward. My helper already bring all his need and now he look a bit better. Even I still can see the trace of his crying, he look a lot better. I dont focus on what bible and Mike talking but focus on my husband who now listen to win with all his heart. He just nod and smile. Metawin Is a pure heart.  He treat my husband like a sibling . I smile when he suddenly shy on metawin. What make him blushing.  How he quickly shake his head so cute. I think I am reallly smitten by my husband. This is crazy.

After everyone leave us alone, I ask mu husband to lay beside me. He need rest. He keep being busy entertaining my visitors. He dont have enough rest.
You know you can't blush on other people except me right, i ask him. He look at me with his beautiful eyes. I wont, he said. Now you are lying, I said try to tease him. He now look a bit scare.
This eyes, this smile and all of you are belong to me, I said and kiss him. He now blushing hard. He slowly push me when he is out of breath. I love to see how he surender to me. I just chukle and kiss him back. When I feel satisfy, I hug him. Lets sleep, I am tired I said. After listen to his soft snoring, I look at his sleeping face. He look so peaceful. I love to see him sleeping because , he is the only one make me feel safe and normal. He never look at me as a the richest guy or the scariest mafia.  He look at me as his husband. He is the only one who look at me as myself. Between all my characters,  I love to be his husband the most. With him i can feel how to be normal human.


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