10. His excited face

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He look so cheerful and excited. I am glad I can arrange this trip for him.
He blushing hard when I tease him.
He look a bit different today. Normally I can read him even he just smile for anything. Again he smile and shake his head when I ask.

It's been a long time for me to attend any party. Since I marry him, I choose to stay home because he love to stay at home and very introvert. Like always he just smile and nod to anyone who greet him he quietly sit beside me and grandpa. He just have a small talk with grandpa. Beside that, he just nod and shake his head. While talking to jeff, I see my and bible childhood friend. I walk to him and greet him. Can you smile at party like this, he ask me. Leave him, bible said and both of then laugh. Even I am with bible and Mike, I make sure my husband always in my view. I allow him to follow win, because I dont want him to be alone. Bible, I ask bible to look for my husband because I need to answer an urgent call. After ended my call, I quickly get into the house and look for my husband. Before I start asking bible, he come in from the side door and look so pale. He quickly come to me and hug me. Something must be wrong. I can see luke, one of my uncle son stand beside the door and lift his glass to my husband.
It's really make me angry but bible try to calm me. My baby request to go home but suddenly that crazy Mike come and interupt. He is willing to die just to tease me. I know my baby are not comfortable with Mike. I felt sorry, because I like how he show me his feeling. I can see his shock eyes when I allow him to go to the restroom alone. I signal jeff to follow him from behind. Since that horible day, he rarely show his emotion. He never ask anything from me for himself. It always for other people.

I turn a round when I heard a commotion. I quickly look for my husband. What going on, I ask coldly when I see luke on the floor maybe because of jeff . I can see Bright look shock and start shaking. I quickly hug him. Phi , bring him to guest room, bible said. He also follow me when i heard the commotion. Without any word, I lift my husband and carry him to the guest room. When we are alone, I look at him and ask what happen. Now he become more scare and look at me nervously.
I am sorry, I dont know him. I dont talk to him, he reply non stop with so much tears. Bright, I call him gently. Its really hurt me when he scare of me like this. Do he still think I am the same monster from last two years. I am sorry, he said sadly. I know I cant get anything from him. I feel bad for leaving him alone. I should not listen to Mike. I finally hold and hug his shaking body. Its okay, I am not angry, I said. When he listen to me, he cry harder. I let him cry as much as he want. He must be really scare. He always try to avoid crying, because he dont want to make me angry. Are you okay now, I ask when he finally stop crying but still sobbing softly. He slowly nod. You want to go home, I ask him. Again he nod. Let's go I said. Phi, he call me softly. I can go home with phi jeff, you can stay here, he said and quickly look down. Without response to him I drag him to walk and hide his crying face in my embrace.

After I make sure he already sleep, I quickly call jeff and bible. After listen to his story, I become really angry. How dare he try to touch my husband. But what I am angry the most is, how I careless I am tonight. I still in the gym punishing myself. I can see my knuckles bleeding. I keep punching the punching bag since I end my call with jeff. After hours, I go back to my room and clean myself. I carefully pull my husband and hug him tight. I am sorry baby, I said and kiss his head.

Since that party, he always look sad. He always lost his focus. But like always he act like nothing happen and smile to anything. But right now, I cant felt his sincere smile. What wrong, I ask my self. My helper also mention that he lost his appetite and rarely get out of our room.
At first I thought it will end after a few days. But it already a few weeks.
Baby, you will busy tomorrow, I said while hugging him. Why, he ask and look at me. Win and bible will come for dinner. Really, he ask excitedly. I nod. Can i go phi, he ask. Why, I ask him back. I want to discuss with phi toey about tomorrow dinner he said excitedly. No, it's already late, phi toey already sleep and I need you here I said and he start blushing. After our intimate moment, I let him sleep. I really control myself tonight, because I want him to enjoy win visit.

Since early morning , he so busy ready to receive a guest. I can see how he and his helper, happily make preparation.
Phi, should I make cookies, he suddenly ask me. I take a deep breath and reply, just don't tired yourself. No, I am not, he said and quickly go to kicthen.
I will need my allergic pills. I wish I told him that I don't like cookies, but can't when I look at his excited face.


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