7. will he become the monster

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It's already a month after cookies issue.
I felt a bit sad but I just pretend everything is okay. No one can be lucky like win. I should not jelous or try to be like him. Its  make me felt bad
It nearly my birthday,  I am excited because every year my husband will accompany me the whole day. Its not something special, but we just spend time together doing a something I love, like reading, painting and cooking. Before I meet my husband, I always complain how I dont have enough sleep. It must be my punishment because being greedy before. Now I have so much time to sleep till i tired. I cant enjoy sleeping anymore.

Honestly , I have latest phone model, but I have  no one to call and no one will call me. So again its just become meaningless gadjet. My husband rarely call because he have my helper who report to him every hour. Again while sitting on my swing, I hear a ring tone. At first I ignore it because i expect no one will call me. Brighty, you call my helper politely give me my phone. I look at my helper. Its Mr metawin, boss know he will call you, dont worry,  you can answer the call.

Hello win
I don't know,
I cant
I need to ask phi mile
Is it urgent
No, I can't
I am not allow to leave the house
I am sorry, I need to ask phi mile first
Of course I will help if I can
Can I call you back
I cant promise, but I will try
Sorry win
No, thank you
OK, I will call you later
Bye win

I quickly run to my helper. I want to talk to my husband I said. He just smile. Your speed dial number 1 is your husband
Number 2 is master bible,  no 3 is your grandpa, number 4 is master metawin and number 5 is me, my helper calmly explain to me. Can I call him without asking permission I ask. You can call your husband at anytime my helper said again. I trust him, but I still feel reluctant because I scare. My helper politely call my husband. Boss, master bright ask permision to call you, Is he allow to call you, he ask my husband infront of me. Ok, understood boss ,my helper said and end the call. Brighty, you need to call yourself,  boss ask you to call him he said and leave me. Phi, I call my helper, but he just smile and walk to back area.

I look and gaze at my phone for 10 minutes before it suddenly rings. I quickly see the caller name save as husband. Using all my luck I finally answer the call.

Hello phi,
I will

Now I dumb founded.  How could he call me just to scold because I dont call him after I promise. We can just talk, but he insist that I need to call him
With so much energy , I finally call speed dial number 1 for the first time after 2 years.

Hello phi,
No phi, I am okay
Yes phi,, I am okay
I .......
I am here phi
Phi, can I go to bible house.
Win ask for help
No phi, I don't promise him
No phi, I am not
I am sorry,
No phi, I dont want
No, I am okay,
Okay, I will wait for you
Okay phi
Can I say goodbye now phi
Yes phi
Yes phi
Okay phi
Bye phi.

What do you expect stupid bright. There is no way I can go out.  I need to inform metawin, I really cant help him. I felt guilty, but I really cant. 
It's really exhausting to make a conversation with phi mile.
I should not ask for it. Will he angry with me. I dont want angry phi mile.
I don't want something like 2 years ago happen again. I am so stupid.  What should I do. After being worried,  again I just can laugh.  I must be dreaming.

2 years back

It's only a month after our marriage. We really live like a stranger.  I really dont understand why he insisted on marry me. I have nothing to offer and the most important thing is, I am a guy. I really cant digest how someone with his status make unrealistic proposal. At first I refuse his proposal,  but after  looking at all the unfortunate kids face I finally agreed. I make sure all of them are save and have a good place to live. He even build a new orphanage and named the new orphanage house bright. I know he is rich person and very powerful.  Based on the crazy pedophile case, I know he also very cruel. I dont see any reaction from his face when he burn them alive. I used to have my old phone and a few people who close and know me keep calling me because they are worry for my sudden dissapear.
I don't know how, but suddenly the maniac pedophile gang come to my previous employer and threaten my friend who still working there . They ask for my adress, because they thought I am the one who Kill their friend. I was so worry and scare, I quickly go to my husband and ask permission to meet my friend. I worrily told him the threat, but he just simply reply, go to your room. I try to beg him but he ignore me and keep on working.
Even I scare, I cant let my friend die. I am sorry, i need to go, I said a bit firm. I really cant let my friend die.
Are you being stubborn for unknown people he ask me firmly.  I can see he is trying to control his anger. He is my friend I said slowly.  During this peak situation , suddenly my friend call me again. He quickly grab my phone and look at the caller name. Is he your boyfriend , he ask me angrily. No, he is not, he is my friend I said shaking with fear. I really dont understand this. So HONEY is your mere friend, he ask again loudly. I know he wont understand and trust anything right now, so I choose to walk away. But I never thought that it will make him lost his control. I just try to safe my friend. 
Because of that, I was bedridden for 2 week. I cant describe how scare I am that day. For the first time , I wish I will die. I dont know how but I weakly ask him to kill me. Please kill me, I said slowly and that make him stop and look at me like a crazy person. He just leave me there with the bleed and pains.  I cant even move from my bed. I cant ask for help and I cant even call my friend because I dont know where my phone go when he throws it to the floor. After a while, a doctor come to me and softly talk to me. Bright, can you hear me, he ask. I look at him and beg for his help with my eyes. I really cant talk, I try hard but I just cant. Dont force yourself, the doctor talk to me calmly.. After that, I finally fainted and was under the doctor care for a week. I really confuse and hurt. Why he do this to me. I hope my friend honey still alive, because since then I never contact with anyone from my previous life .

Current day

With all the bad memory, I become more scare and worry. Will he become the monster again.


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