17. Become angrier

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It's already a month after Mike issue. Until now, I never tell anyone how Mike treat me. I just grateful when I don't  see him again. I choose to stay at home and avoid to see anyone. Now Me and my helpers start our gardening activity. They must be boring too because there is nothing we can do beside our daily activity.  I carefully help my helper to clean the tools. We happily chatting and teasing each other. Suddenly all of them stop and push me to their back. When I turn to look I can see Mike standing there with angry face. What are you doing here Mike, I ask gently. I dont want to provoke him. I dont know how he can get thru our security. Now only me, the Cook and house helper. All of us never fight or anything.  I look for my bodyguard.  Dont worry,  I don't kill them Mike said. What do you want, I ask again. I want you to dissapear he said coldly. Mike, please go, I wont tell phi mile, let stop this, you know how phi mile is, I try to convince Mike. He suddenly laugh loudly. Are you saying that phi mile love you, so he Can kill me for you he ask. No, its not because of that  I said. I dont want to make him more angry.  He want me, not my helper. Let them go, you want me right, I ask him. Bright,  both my helper scold me. I dont want any of my helper injured like my bodyguard.  They treat me nicely even they don't dare to talk to me when phi mile was around. They will worry if they saw phi mile become furious.  They always smile giving moral support. So I need to protect them.
Mike look at me and laugh. Are you trying to be hero , he ask me. I quickly shake. I push my helper and slowly walk to Mike. Dont hurt them, they are innocent I said. Again Mike laugh loud. My cook hold my hand but I pull my hand. It's okay phi, dont worry I said try to comfort my helper. Suddenly, my cook come foward and Mike look a bit startle.  With in a few second now Mike was hold on the floor. Before I go to my cook I felt someone  lift me and unconciously I punch the one who touch me. I am scare but I need to protect myself. It's weird after being punched he still not let me go. Let me go, I shout loudly. My helper also look so shock.  Are you done baby, suddenly phi mile said. And again I scream as loud as I could.  I cant believe I punch the leader of mafia gang.  I quickly turn to him and hug his neck. I am sorry, I said quickly.  Mike who was press by our cook suddenly laugh. Are you that smitten by this loser, he ask my husband. After gently put me down, he ask my helper to get me into the house,  but I refuse and stick to him even I am scare. I dont want him to kill Mike his childhood friend. Its his right to hate me.
Bright, phi mile call me, but I look down. Bright Romsaithong he said coldly. Please phi, I said try to beg him. He know no one will touch me, so he drag me to our room and make his man to guard my door. If he get out from the room, you will die, he said to his man. Now I cant do anything. Phi, I call him and he stop and look at me. Please dont I beg again. Without reply to me he walk and leave me alone.

What is this all about he ask me loudly.  Why are you not eating , he ask again. I am scare, really scare but I need to do something.  I am not hungry I said. Stop being stubborn phi mile yell at me. I am shaking and look down. I dont dare to look at his eyes.  He roughly drag me to the dining hall, eat, he yell loudly.  All my helper look at me but they just keep quiet.  He push me to the table. Eat before I lost my control he said again. With shaking hands i try to hold the spoon but I cant. I really cant. I must be crazy. I look at him  and cry. I close my eyes when all the dish fell on the floor. I close my eyes waiting he strike or hit me. But out of my expectation he again drag me to his car. I am in my pyjamas but he dont care. He push me into his car.  I cry, I cry a lot but I cant say a word.  When we arrive at big ware house,  again he pull me roughly and drag me to the ware house. I can see how bible, phi jeff and apo look at us worrily. What going on , bible ask. Again he push me to the floor.  Bible quickly help me. What wrong bright, he ask me. I dont reply to him, but I look around and see Mike nearly death, beat by his own friend. When I know he still alive I felt a bit relieve.  Try to do this stunt again, I will make you kill him, phi mile said sit in front of me and hold my chin tightly. I think I will blue and bruise all over my body. But it still worth it. At least I can save Mike.  I don't want to be a reason for him to be killed.
Beside bible,  no one dare to come closer.  Strange enough,  I never cry infront of other people.  I only can cry a river with phi mile. Even I am hurt and scared,  I still not crying. I just shaking with fear and look down. I can see my hand and arm scratches.  But since I an so scare of phi mile, I cant felt anything.  It was a awry situation.  But out of no where Mike come  running to me with a knife.  He try to stab me but phi mile quickly kick him. Now, you still think he dont need to die he ask me . I look at phi mile this time and again slowly nod. Phi mile look at me angrily and pull me up roughly. Bible try to help but I just smile to him, shaking my head. I know phi mile will become angrier if someone else touch me.


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