12. He must be sorry too

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What going on, I ask Mike and bright.
Nothing, I just told bright how beautiful his garden is , mike said. I can see he look at Mike and then look down. I grab his hand and pull him closer.  Yeah it's beautiful I said and he look at me. He smile, but I cant see the sparkle that i love the most from his eyes. Its really dull smile. Its really beautiful, but no one will believe this is Mile the great house, Mike said and chukle teasing me.
What are you doing here, bright wont lost in his own house, Mike said again. Bible ask to play pool, and I miss my husband I said teasing my husband. I can see he start getting red.  Do you play pool, Mike ask bright. No, he reply slowly. I know how he live before married me. He only work to survive and study. Beside that he also need to help his orphanage.  Most of his income goes to his orphanage. Like it will impossible for him to enjoy his life even for simple pool or movie. I will teach you, I said and bring him to the house leaving Mike alone. Are you okay phi, he ask me.  I know he worry about my allergy. No, but I will Okay if you serve me tonight , I said and now he is red and look down. I only laugh on his attitude.  I think I have him all the time I want, but he still shy like a teenager.

It was me and bright vs bible and Mike.
Win refuse to play because he hate this game.  After a bit explaination from bible, my husband start the game. Its not a good start but for a beginner he is not bad. He refuse to play, but I want to tease him, so I make him play with me.
So what is the price, Mike ask. Yeah we need price, it rare opportunity for us to win this bible said. Can I have your latest lamborghini bible ask shamelessly.
Then I want this house Mike said. Both of bible and Mike laughing like idiot. 
Come here,  I call my husband. I stand as close as I can . I can feel my junior touching his back. He look at me with red face. Focus, I said. I sensually touch his waist and slowly push him to bend down. I teach him to play pool and athe same time teasing him. Phi, he said slowly. What, I ask pretend to be stupid while getting hard on my husband. We need to win, to save our home, I said and now he look at me with spirited eyes. Actually it's me hitting all the balls, my husband being great by adjusting to my move.  So what prize I get, I ask my husband when we win the game . Lets go bible said annoyingly.  They know that the que for them to leave.

Since that dinner he become more different.  I rarely see him smile . For the first time I really cant read what is in his mind. Baby, I call him when he look so In deep thought. He like always sit on my lap and hug my neck. He gently put his head on my shoulder. Today Is his birthday. I already clear my schedule for the whole day. He happily unwrapped his present before. He look at my finger immediately when he saw his new ring. Its couple ring, I said. I know he always love to macth our style. He dont ask me directly but, based on his reaction and action, i know he love it when we wear couple things. After treating all his helpers his birthday cake, he now laying on our bed while playing with his new ring before i call him.  Are you okay , I ask him. He look at me and nod. I know I am a bit rough with him last night. But he indirectly force me with his look and moan. So he cant totally blame me. What do you want to do today, I ask him. Its his birthday,  I will try to satisfy all his demand. He just shake his head. Nothing, I ask him. Again he nod. What about candle light dinner at our garden, I ask him. Now he look at me with his happy eyes. He quickly nod. I just chukle and kiss his nose. I will tell phi toey, he said. I nod and let him go.

We still enjoy our dinner when suddenly Mike and bible come to us in urgency manner. Why are you not answering the phone, bible ask me angrily. He look worry. I just smile to him. How come you  still smile and leasurely eat here when one of your man are dying Mike ask him and glare at bright. I told him, to not do anything today, i said coldly. Mile, mike yell. No one allow to yell in this house, I said firmly. Bright, let him go Mike suddenly talk to bright. My husband who confuse look at me. He need to safe apo. Apo are in danger now bible said. I told him not to do it today, i said again firmly. Mile, this is not the right time to punish him. Think of what he sacrifice for you before, bible said. I look at my husband when he suddenly hold my hand. Phi, we need to safe phi apo, he said slowly. I look at him firmly.  Please, he beg me. I look at his desprate eyes. Please phi he Said again.  After a deep breath I response to him.  I wont forget this, I said and kiss him softly. He nod and smile to me. Be careful phi, he said and hug me. I am sorry, I dont know , my husband said to mike and bible, but Mike pull my hand and run to his car. Sorry bright, its emergency., I am sorry for this , i heard bible said
Congrat for anything both of you celebrating bible said try to express his sorry. It just my birthday phi, dont worry, my husband reply softly.  Now I can see bible look at the table and bright alternately.  He must felt sorry for bright now. When bible get into the car, he quickly look at me. I am sorry phi, I don't know, bible said. I dont response to that and close my eyes. Its bright birthday , bible told Mike. I dont hear any response. He must be sorry too.


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