3.How i felt

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Like always I wake up alone. I never question my husband. Its not because I dont care, but I cant. I cant question anything. I dont know how my life become like this. I only have a small dream. I wish to be happy.
Sometime he will be with me and treat me like I am the most important person in his life. But sometime he just leave me with my helper.  Again I cant inquary and only accept all his arrangement.
Are you okay, he suddenly get into the room. Why are you not eating he ask me.  I just shake my head and smile. Come here, he said. I told you to wear warm cloth. Why being stubborn like this he ask me while make me wear his jacket. I am  not cold phi, I reply slowly. Come here, let eat he said and pull me to the dining area.  After he make sure I eat, send me to our room and after one kiss, he leave me again. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. That how I live.  Sometime I felt love and sometime I don't felt a anything.  I just breath to continue living. 

I run quickly to the mansion door when I hear a noise. Something that will never happen here. What going on, I ask my helper who run to me. Dont worry bright, let go to your room. Lock the door, boss already on the way. He said while escorting me to my room. What happen , I ask and walk to our room worryly. I run to my walking closset when I hear a gun. Phi mile always Remind me to hide in here if anything happen. I hug my knees and wait for phi mile. Its really scary. I never face this before. No one dare to break into phi mile private territory.
Bright, I finally hear phi mile voice. He quickly come to me and pull me up. Are you okay, he ask me worrily. I nod and look at him with glittering eyes. He quickly hug me and kiss my head.  Dont worry,  you are safe now, he said..
What happen phi, I am scare I Said. No need to be scare he said and hug me tight. My baby being good boy. He praising me for following his order. After that he bring me to the bed, he look at me and kiss my forehead. Stay here, dont come out he said. I nod and wait and pray for phi mile safety.  It was so quiet. I dont think anyone in the house right now. I pray hard for my husband and his man safety. After a few moment, i can hear some one notify, my bodyguard behind the door that The intruder already been cacth. I am so glad, So I just wait for phi mile to come back

Suddenly I heard another gun shots. Without my coucious I leave our room and looking for my husband.
Get in the house, he yell loudly when he see me. I am too shock to move. I try to move but I cant. All I see is a sea of blood and a bodies. My helper try to help me, but I  really cant and keep looking at the bodies. I dont know why, suddenly I felt really scare and run. I dont know where to run, but I need to  leave this place. Before I reach the gate, phi mile already grab me hard with his hands. I look at his hand full with blood now. Leave me alone, you are murderer I yell loudly. He try to calm himself, but I really cant control my shaking body. Please leave me I scream again. Then without any word he pick and carry me on his shoulder like a sack. I think for the first time , I refuse him like this. All my helper look worry. His team try to calm him down, but he ignored everyone and bring me to the pool. With his still face, he throw me into the pool. While coughing and wiping my eyes,  I finally look at my husband eyes which now look so angry. Like being awake from my unconcious state, I suddenly felt really cold and scare. I dont know what will happen after this, I just wait for his punishment. He let me shivering in the pool for a moment. He dont say a word and i dont brave enough to move. So I stand there like a statue.  After i getting  blue, he  jumped into the pool. I can see how the blood wash away from his body and the water become red.  Again without a word he bring me back to our room. He personally, wash me and change my cloth. He make me wear a warn cloth and make me lay on our bed. Stay here he said firmly and leave me alone. My body keep shivering,  I felt so cold, so i cover myself with our blanket.  But weirdly I still shivering. I try to sleep, but everytime I close my eyes, I can see blood. I try force myself to sleep but I really cant. After struggling alone  to calm myself,  suddenly phi mile who now already change get under blanket.  He slowly pull me into his arms. Next time, listen to me he said and hug my shaking body tightly.  I felt a bit better so I hug him tighter.  I really dont know how or when I fell asleep. But the scene keep haunting me In my dream.

It's already late morning when I awake on my husband body. I really dont know how. I felt really shy and try to get down but he hold me tight. Are you okay now baby, he ask me slowly. I know I am not okay but all I can say is, I am okay phi. He look at me deeply and I suddenly panic when I felt how he become hard. Phi, I said slowly. Oh my god, you drive me crazy baby, he said and kiss me hard. After a very long gentle intimate time, we finally have our lunch. I am greatful that he is softt and gently today. Somehow it calm me down.

Since last 2 year , I never see this side of him. I dont know how this happened.  I wait for him to leave me again like usual but he now casually work at his table while me sitting on my favorite swing.  He still not allow me to go out. I think it will take a while before I am allow to go out from our house again.  After getting bored with my phone, I lay on the swing and look at the beautiful sky. Call me crazy, but I think the clouds is talking to me. Sometime I felt they know how I felt.

Happy new year
2024 please be nice to all of us🥰
New year 🎁

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