16. Do things

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Am I drugged,  I ask myself. I dont think I can sleep this long. When I wake up , I expect my husband will wait for me at the sofa.  But I was wrong. I cant see him at anywhere . I quickly call bible. Is bright with you, I ask him. No, I am on my way to hospital bible reply. Listen to that, I immediately pull the wire attached to my hand and walk to my man. Where is my husband,  I yell loudly. All of them look dumb founded. I want my husband now I yell. Jeff who listen to the commotion come out from apo room. What happen he ask. I cant answer to him because I am so angry.

Within a few minutes my man come with the cctv footing. I can see how my husband walk, no run from the hospital. He look so distracted.  Then after another minute we know where the taxi driver bring him to. I will pick him up,  you should rest bible said, try to cool me down. But I  continue wearing my jacket and walk to my car. Bible have no choice but to follow me. Jeff and bible look at each other.  I know both of them are worry about bright.

Less than 15 minutes,  I already arrived at bright old orphanage.  I can see the principle waiting at the door nervously.
I want to contact you, but I dont know how. He come here crying badly he said quickly. Where is he, I ask coldly. At the back yard the principle reply to me.
Bright Romsaithong I call him loudly. He who look panic suddenly run to me. I never expect this.  He hug me tight, and cry a river . I am so angry before, but I cant even scold him when he is this sad.
With all his tears and crying. I have no choice but to hug him tight.  Without waiting for him to cool down I lift him and bring him to our car. All the way to our home he cry nonstop and make me worry. All his helper waiting worrily and some of them cry for him. I keep hugging him until he fall asleep.  What make you this sad, I ask him who now sleep but still sobbing softly.

I know bible and win are waiting for me down stairs.  They are worry about bright.  Everyone are worry that I become the monster like last two years. 
It's Mike,  he said something to apo, and bright accidently heard it, bible said.
I told you before, what is my limits . I dont want to see him near bright or me anymore I said coldly. Phi,  it's just a mistake, bible try to convince me. It will be mistake if its his first time, but he keep doing it since he come back. I said coldly.  I am not blind to see my husband getting sad everytime mike go near him. I just wait for my stupid husband to come to me, but no, he dont come, he run from me, I said again.  Let me in, I heard Mike yelling at my door. Are you throwing me away because of you good for nothing husband,  he ask me loudly. I will throw you thousands times for him I said . Mile , he yell at me. I can give up if he is apo, but this guy, I cant accept it Mike said loud again.  I just smirk and firmly said.  Be grateful we use to be friends.  I will kill you if you hurt him again after this I said before leave them. Mile, mike yell again. One more thing, if not bright, I feel nothing , whether it's you or apo, so leave I said without looking at him.

I wait for my husband to wake up. Its already late morning. He is morning person.  When he wake up he look at me and quickly get up. He fall on his bump because he is so panic. I dont say a word and I dont help him. He slowly come closer to me. He is shaking with fear. He is waiting for his punishment.  But I really cant say anything right now.  I am sorry he said slowly.  He dont dare to look at me. I am sorry phi,  he said again. Why, I finally ask him. I dont know, how I go to my old house, I am sorry, he said again.  Why are you crying, I ask him . I thought you will not come to me again. I wait for you phi, but phi don't come he said and start crying again. I really dont understand my stupid husband.  Once again you run from me,  I will kill you myself I said and gently pull him into my hug.

He now look so weak, I think I need to do you more, so you understand that I won't leave you. Maybe what I give to you not enough I said. He look at me with his big eyes. Do you still feel it not enough, I ask him . Because baby I am holding myself for you I said.  He quickly shake his head. You know how I can be if I lost control,  so dont do this again, I said softly.  He quickly nod and kiss my lips shyly. I wont, he said. I try to act cool but deep down I am so happy. Dont think that you can escape from your punishment I said and lift him. He look at me and hug my neck.  I will do you really hard today I said and he just hug me with blushing face. He still not use to me talk dirty to him.
I am a man who dont lie, when I said I will do him hard, I really do. I think he will stay in his bed for a few days.
He really accept it all even he cry and burn with shyness. I really make him beg and do things. 


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