8.Slowly walk with me

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You should control your husband , I said to my brother. He look at me weirdly.
Why, he being good husband and lovely guy bible said. Ask him to stop teaching bright bad thing, I said. What bad thing, bible ask. He ask bright to his home party, I said annoyingly.  All my friend look at me with weird look. Give bright some space and let him breath bible said. That poor guy need some friend and be grateful my cute win, willing to help , bible said.  But he make my life harder,  you know bright can't live like others, I said. He is with family, dont be too much, bible said. Dont be so possesive bible said again. Dont you pity him, he even dont breath if you say so bible said again.

I look at apo who quietly leave my room. We are having discussion but stop because my husband want to call me. I cant let him wait. He so cute, he even ask for permission before he call me. After a while, I still don't receive any call. I finally decide to look at my cctv. What is he doing, he look at his phone seriously.  Its so cute. At last I need to take action, I call him to make sure he call me. Its sound stupid, but he need that push. My friend just glare and rolls their eyes. They disagree with how I treat bright, but they just don't dare to voice out.

Are you sick,
Are you sure
Hello, are you still there
What do you want,
Do you promise him
You dare to promise him without my permission.
You are brave now.
Do you want to go
Are you sure
We will talk later.
Don't stay outside house too much
I am busy now,
OK, wait for me
Are you in our room
Just rest

All my team just shake their head. Its bible house, jeff  said. But I just ignore their complaint and continue our discussion.  But deep inside,  I felt a bit sorry when I listen to his sad voice. Why I need to be so cruel.  I want him to happy but I cant let him be like other people. I need him to be as he is now.
I need to arrange our visit to bible  house. I will scold metawin for real this time. That bunny really naughty and he will influence my pure baby.

Where is my husband,  I ask our helper. 
In your room boss, he reply. Boss, my helper call me when I am ready to go to my husband.  Your husband dont have his dinner yet, he said he still full, but he look so worry he sincerely report to me like always. I nod and walk to my room.
When I open the door, I can see how my husband quickly stand up and look at me. When I look at his panic face, he quickly look down. Why he look so scare. I can see he grip his hand tightly.
He also a bit shaking.  When I try to hold him, he unconsiously flinch and quickly apology to me. I am sorry, I dont want to go to win's house anymore, he said slowly. Is he being scare all day after our telephone call. I must be crazy. Bright,  I call him gently.  I dont want to scare him more. He look at me while fidgeting his fingers. 
Come here, I try to talk as gentle as I can. He slowly walk to me. I hold his chin and look into his eyes.  I am not angry, why should I angry , I ask him. He look at me but still look terrified.  I hug him softly. I dont angry, dont be scare anymore,  I said. I slowly pat his head. Its really cruel of me to let him scare all day long. I should just answer his question. We will visit win House together I said.  I really cant give him direct answer because I need to confirm the security and plan for our trip. I never thought he still scare of me to this extent.  Its okay phi,  I don't want to go anymore, I am sorry for asking, he said slowly with broken voice.   Its already decided,  we will go to celebrate win party I said. He now look at me and nod. I am expecting he will hug me happily but what I get is his scare face.
Let's go, I said after I lift and carry him to the dining area. I know he will eat if I feed him. He don't dare to refuse. 
Can I call win, he ask me after we get into our room back.  No need, I already inform bible. I also send a man to help win. I dont want you to be tired I said . Again he only nod.

Are you ready, i ask him. He look so beautiful and I like the shirt he choose for me. From far away,  everyone will know, we are a set or couple. I let him do what he want. Do I look okay, I ask him. He quickly nod cutely. He carefully help me to wear our wedding ring. He is natural, he dont need to use any artificial product to look good. He dont need a perfume to be this heavenly smell . Am I okay, he ask me slowly. Should we cancel our plan i ask him. He look at me worrily. I dont want anyone to see how beautiful you are , I said.  Now he blushing hard. I slowly lift his chin and kiss him gently. I really wish to cudlle and make love to him now. But I can't, now I regret agree to his request.
I look at his big eyes. I knew he always look like that when I flirt with him before our intimate moment. Dont worry, I will be patient now I said and kiss his head. Let's go I said. He look so relieve  and slowly walk with me.


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