5. No one hate cookies

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Grandpa,  I cheerfully greet phi mile Grandpa. Brighty,  he call me. Its great for you to be here, tonight everyone are gathering for my birthday ,he said. I quickly look at my husband.  He never allow me to be with other people except for selected people. Its okay, it just bible and win, my husband said. I nod and hug my grandpa. I miss you Grandpa, I said.  I will be back, my husband said after kiss my head after a while. I nod and look at him walk to his team who are ready for him. Dont worry, he will joint us for dinner Grandpa said.
Bright, win scream happily. I just nod and hug him back. I miss you he said cheerfully. Hi Bright, Bible greet me. Hi, I nod politely. Where is that bastard go, he ask me. I just chuckle. I dont know, but Grandpa said he will join our dinner, I said.

Its already dinner time,  but phi mile still not here. I felt a bit sad, but I just smile to his family. Dont worry, he may be busy, bible said. He try to comfort me when Its already pass dinner time. All of us now sit infront of grandpa. Where is phi mile,  win ask. I dont know, I reply. You should call him, win said again. Win, bible call his husband. What, he ask his husband. Mile busy,  dont disturb bright, bible said.  Its okay bible, I said and chuckle. I cant, I said to confused win. Why, he ask me again. I know normal people wont understand how our relation is. I have no right in this marriage. I just smile and  keep quiet. Win, who are spoiled and loved by his husband wont understand. I can see bible guilty face and signal win to stop talking. My grandpa also look at me and give a pitiful smile. I never see some one as kind as you , grandpa said and hug me. Again, I just smile. 
I pretend I don't understand and act like usual.  Honestly i felt jelous when I see how free and happy go lucky win. His husband adore him so much and love him sincerely.  I can see the love from bible eyes. I try to to avoid jelousy and be grateful for what I have but I am just human who have heart and feeling.

I am sorry, phi mile quickly said sorry to his grandpa. I look at him and the look down. I dont want he see my sadness. He casually sit beside me and kiss my head.  Have you eat phi, I ask. He nod and look into my eyes. Do you have anything to say he ask me. I quickly shake my head and smile.
He then hug me again.  I sit quietly beside phi mile and listen to his conversation with his half brother and grandpa. I cant see win anywhere. Bright,  you can joint win at theater room, bible said. I just shake my head and obediantly sit and wait for phi mile.

When I wake up I already in our bedroom at grandpa house. I look around try to find phi mile,  but I cant find him. After refresh myself, I quickly go to grandpa. Sorry grandpa, I overslept,  I said shyly.  grandpa just laugh and kiss my forehead. Go have your breakfirst,  he said. I leasurely walk to the kicthen and see metawin try to bake. Morning brighty, win greet me. Morning I said and go table to have my breakfirst.  After my breakfirst I sit beside win who now try his best to bake a cookies. Try it, win said and pass me a jar of cookies.  Unexpectedly, it's really delicious.  Win, it so good, I want to bake too, I said slowly. I can imagine how me and my helper having fun in kicthen.  Come here win said. He is really nice and patient when he teach me how to bake a cookies. After spending hours in the kicthen, I now look at beautiful a jar of cookies win help me to decorate. I cant wait to share with my husband and helpers. Will he like it, I ask metawin. No one hate cookies he reply. 

Before lunch , I can see my husband arrived . He maybe felt bad about our dinner last night.  I quickly run to him with my cookies. Dont run, he said and kiss me. I just smile and look at him.  What are you doing baby, he ask and tidy up my hair. 
Phi, I make cookies. You can try if you want, I said slowly. He look at the cookies and then look at me. Sure  , he said. Really, I ask happily.  I quickly take the a piece of cookies and feed phi mile. I wait for his response eagerly.  Its delicious he said and pat my hair. I cant hide how proud I am. I already learn how to bake from metawin, I will make it at our home I said. Okay, he said and kiss my nose.  It was one of my beautiful day when he treat me softly. After having our lunch , both me and phi mile leave grandpa  house.

I try to avoid looking at the place where the killing happen yesterday. I ignore my hard beating  heart and scary illusion. I close my eyes and  just walk when phi mile escort me to the house. Stay at home, I need to go he said when we reach at our door. I look at him and nod. See you tonight he said and turn to leave. Phi, I call him slowly and he turn back to me. This is for you, I said shyly. He look at a jar of cookies and after a while, thank you he said . After receive my cookies he leave me with my helper. I cant wait to bake with them.  Win was right, no one hate cookies.

Happy new year
2024 please be nice to all of us🥰
New year 🎁

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