13. How irony

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I look at the table before I ask phi toey to clear it for me. I always be the nuisance even I dont intent too. I can see hateful gaze from Mike. I try to forget his previous action. I can feel that he hate me. I dont know why. I never see or know about him before. Maybe luke is right. He hate me because I take his place.

I still waiting for my husband. He still not coming back from last night. I am a bit worry. I want to call him, but I am scare. I dont want to interupt him. .while I am being busy trying to calm down, suddenly win call me. Where are you, win ask me. At home , I reply, why are you still at home, win yell at me. What wrong win, I ask calmly. Phi mile are hurt, he is at the hospital now, win said. I think I have sudden deaf. I cant hear anything. I know win explaining the situation but I cant hear him. All I know phi mile are at hospital. Bright, win call me again. Phi mile dont allow me to go out of our home, what should I do, i ask him slowly. I really confuse. Wait for us, win said and end his call. I still sit on the same place untill win and bible come. Win quickly hug me and pull me to move. My helper quickly help me with my bags. Wait, I said and run to our room. I need to bring my lucky charm. Its from my orphanage principal . Win hug me all the way to the hospital. I really want to know my husband condition, but I am too scare to ask. I am not ready for anything. What will happen to me if he leave me.

He still in the operation room when I arrived. I can see all his man and Mike.
Phi jeff quickly come to me. Have a sit bright, he said politely. But I shake my head. Please sit phi, you are injured I said slowly. Secure the place phi jeff said. Dont worry, you are safe here phi jeff said. Thank you, I reply slowly. I am praying hard in my heart. Maybe I am wrong, but I think I see Mike smirk at me. I can see how phi mile man stand around me, maybe to protect me.
Suddenly the light of the operation turn off show that the operation has been done. Is Mr bright here, suddenly a nurse come. I look at win and bible. Yes, I reply . Mr mile ask for you, she said and open the door for me. When Mike and bible try to get in, both of them blocked by the nurse. For the time being, only Mr bright are allow to see Mr mile. Please wait she said and escort me to the room.

Come here he said weakly. For the first time I see him being weak. I quickly go to him and I cant hold my tears anymore. I look at his shoulder. Dont worry, I wont die , he said . Phi, I cant help but to scold him a bit. I will yell if he is common person but because he is phi mile the great, i cant.. He quickly hold my hand and pull me to his bed. Phi, I worrily said. Lay beside me he said firmly. I know that tone. That no objection tone. Now I am in his arm. I carefully hug him. Are you scare, he ask me. I nod and look at him. Are you okay phi, I ask him. Gun shot won't kill me, he said and kiss me. After that he become quiet, lets rest he said .

I heard someone get into our room. I want to open my eyes but I close  my eyes when I hear Mike voice. This is too much. How could he sleep with patient he said frustratedly. You know mile, that kitten can't say no to him bible said. He should, how come he let mile spoil him to this extent. I know he never good to mile , Mike say. Stop it , bible said firmly. He dont even have a choice ,bible said firmly again. They are okay, let get out first bible said and pull Mike out. I bit my lips and try to hold my tears. I try to get out of bed, but I was in phi mile arms, hold tightly by him. I dont want to wake him. I am really sad, but I cant do nothing. After a while, I can feel phi mile start waking up. He kiss my head and hug me tighter. I look at his eyes who now look at me dearly. What wrong he ask me, when he see my eyes. I shake my head. Tell me ,he said. Nothing , I just worry, I said and cry. What should I do if you leave me, I ask him. He look at me dearly for a few second and then kiss my forehead. I wont leave you, if I die you will die with me, I wont leave you alone, he said gently but very firm. How are you coming here my husband ask me. I start getting scare. Bible and win bring me here. I said slowly. Good, dont even leave the house with anyone else except for bible and win for whatever reason. I have arrange you safety .  So if anything happen stay in house until bible and win come. No one can touch you in that house he said clearly. While cuddling each other, I hear my stomach. I look at my husband with red face. Are you hungry , he ask me. I slowly nod. He then slowly release me from his hug, a sign that I can move and get out of his bed . I am glad when he hug me, because nothing can calm me better than his hug. Now my brain can start working like usual. I suddenly busy taking care of my husband. Should we allow your family to come. They are worry, i said. I know his loyal man are still waiting outside the ward. I know he try to punish his man now. But I really felt sorry for them. He look at Me and suddenly ask, are you hiding something from me. Can I, I ask him back. I try to avoid lying and answer his question without bring problems to other people.
He never treat me as his husband, he treat me like his property, so even he dont love me, he won't spare anyone who treat me badly. How irony right .


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