4.Dont say much

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I speed as fast as I could when we get the notification from my man. For the first time I felt scare.  No one dare to touch my husband before. When there are trying to attack my house, that mean they know about my treasure . Now I only can trust my man. I know they are willing to die for my husband.
When i arrived,  everything is under control. At least 20 intruders was tied by my man. Without looking at them, I run to my husband. With my own keys, I open our room and look around. I cant help but smile when I know he remember my instruction to get into his safe place if anything happen. His walking cabinet was built for this purpose. When we under attack, I ask him to get into his safe place and lock the door. Only me can activate the safe function. For deactivation, Only my tumprint can open the door. If anything happen to me, the only person who can open is my step brother. If not,  he will die with me. I choose him to die instead of being tortured by my enemy.

He look so scare when I found him. Without a word I lift him to our bed.  I wish I can accompany him but I have urgent issue now. I have an intrusion that I need to handle.  Not just intrusion like I always have, but targeting my husband I's a big no to me. I can accept anything except for this.  They will taste their own blood today. I wont let any of their people alive. I will wipe off their gang from this world. They need to know, the consequences when they try to hurt my husband. Based on their tattoo, we already can identify which group are stupid enough to touch my forbidden spot.

Since I am at my mansion and my kind husband are here, I dont want to kill anyone and let my trusted team to handle. But one of those stupid guy, try to attack me even he is injured.  I dont have a choice except for shot his heart and all the blood splash to my hand. At the same time my baby come out and look at the bodies and blood. This is not good . I can see how terrified he is now.
He is so scare and confuse right now. He cant move even I yell at him. But when he try to run from all of this, or other word from me, I felt really hurt. I know he can't run to anywhere, it his unconcious reaction that make him run without purpose.  When I manage to grab him, he look at me terribly.  He call me a murderer.  It's really touch my heart, but what can I do, this is real me. When I throw him to the pool he look so scare . That really break my heart more. He scare of me. Dont he know, I can die for him at anytime.  He is shivering not because of cold but fear. At last I cant see it anymore. I bring him to the room, shower him with warm water, change his cloth and tuck him in our bed. 

When I back from from the revenge attack, I can see he is having a hard night. He must be traumatized by today accident. After cleaning my self, I spoon him closer to my heart. I hug him tight. I try to be there for him. When he keep mumbling in his sleep I lift him and make him sleep on me. Then, after that he can sleep calmly. It's really ironic.  Both of us are like ying and yang, black and white but we need each other to calm ourselves. 

He look very shy when he notice how he sleep on me. How are you baby, I ask him gently. Again he dont tell me how it feel. No one can be fine overnight after seeing something horrible like that, especially him, who have soft heart, synonym to all the kindness.  When he move and try to get off me with red face, he look really cute . Even after two years he still shy like a virgin. I cant help but tempted with his charms.  Call me crazy, i don't care, because i am crazy for my husband. I never get enough of him. Everytime i do him, I felt like a king. I felt proud  when I can make someone who polite and proper moaning mess below me. I make some one who very shy and timid scream with pleasure.  Beside being fully satisfy, I love how he react after our steamy night. Like always he will try to avoid my gaze. I purposely look at him. I am naturally very quiet person. So his nervousness and clumsiness look so cute when he dont know how to react when I keep silent and gazing him.  When he look so red and burn I  casually hug him and smile. I never show him my smile and but how can I not smile when he this cute.

I know he still uncomfortable and scare so I choose to work at home, while he sit on  his favorite swing. Bright, I call him when he look restless and bored. Like a good boy he come to me and smile. Yes phi, he said. I pull him and let him sit on my lap. We can go to grandpa today, I said. Really  he ask me with his sparkling eyes. I nod and kiss his head. After a long hug ,I ask him to get ready.
I want him to be happy and forget yesterday accident. He really love my grandpa. I hope he can jelp him getting better and calm. This is our life, but I try to minimise the exposure of this life to him. I try my best to let him live as peaceful as he want.  Bye phi, he politely say his farewell to his helpers. Those who are always with him, will love him because of his kindness . Lets go I said and hug his waist. He smile and quietly follow my lead. All my team quietly happy with my action. Most of them don't agree how I treat my husband but they too scare to say anything.  Its also because  they are very loyal to me. But i know, they love and pity my husband. Without any instruction they try to behave gently with my husband.  Just like me, they are force to love him.

Happy new year
2024 please be nice to all of us🥰
New year 🎁

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