6. You dont like it

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I try my best to ensure that I can have my dinner with my family. But as always,  a lot of thing happen and make me miss our dinner. I can hear how metawin ask my husband to call me. I wait for his reply. I can't,  that the only answer I get. After calming myself a bit, I get into the house and look at my husband sad face. I look at his eyes and try to make him express his feeling. But again , he just smile and keep it all in his heart. He and win is like fire and water .
Metawin live so cheerful and happy because my step brother  love him to the core. They live in wonderful world .
I don't let my brother dirty his hand with blood and sweat. I make sure easy way for him for everything. I dont want any hiccup in his life. Enough only me have to face it all. I am that thankful for him and his mother who accept me as a family. Because of them, all our family accept my existing.  I still remember clearly when my own mom sick, my step mom come and promise her that, she will accept me as her son. And luckily she keep her promise until her last breath. I was put under family name and become a legal child. Its sad, but my mom is my father real love. He married to my step mom because of their family status and business. My mom stay with my dad in underworld. No one know us until that day. Deep down, I hope my dad love both of them, because at the end of their life, he ask to be buried near both of them. I know he felt guilty toward my kind step mom. But, love is very mystery. Even my mom try to leave , my dad can't allow and make her stay with him until her last breath. He is powerful man, everyone said I am his photocopy. So I understand how trapped my mom is. Before I meet bright, I avoid love and any related to it. I dont even know weather I like man or woman.  I just refuse all of it until that day. The day he help me even he look really scare. Since I met him,  I dont know wether it love or possessiveness,  but I want him to be with me.

My best friend apo look at me and my cookies. What that for, he ask me. Are you stupid, he ask me loudly and quickly call for a doctor.  Pete look at my cookies and try to open it. You touch it, say good bye to your hand , I said. Really, apo ask angrily. You know you allergic to nuts, are you blind, apo ask. He suddenly quiet and look at me. You blindly eat this cookies because its from bright, he ask me. I dont response to him and take my medicine.  I receive an injection from , luke my doctor. This is new, I cant believe it he said. I ignore everyone and start working. I just look at apo who now leaving my room. I dont understand why he so angry. It was just little rashes and a bit hurt. 

It's already 2 days. After a tiring two day, I just want to hug my husband.  Welcome home boss, my helper greet me. Where is my husband , i ask. Before he reply, i go to the kicthen. I can smell a cookies from the door. I take a deep breath and walk to him. Stop tiring yourself i said and lift him from the kicthen. His helper quickly look down.
I gently put him on my working table. I am not tired, I have nothing to do., he said.  Really, I said while wiping the flour on his nose. He nod quickly. No, you have husband to take care of, I said. He look at me with wide eyes. Sorry phi, he said quickly. Go  clean yourself, I want my husband back, you smell of cookies, i said. I really love his natural smell. I dont allow him to use any perfume. I love his strawberry like smell. Okay, he said and quickly  jump from the table. No rush, I will help you I said. No need phi he said, miss my intention. I insist,  I said and now he look at me with red

After we have hot steamy bath,  I now hug him who lay on top of me. I love this so much. I love to see him red and blush.
I never now, a man can be this sweet and cute. But I don't think I can see other guy as cute. Not in my dictionary. My cute and sweet is only for him.
Am I heavy, he ask me. I nod and he look at me with his big beautiful eyes. He try to get off me but I hold him harder.
What are you going to do with all the cookies, I cant eat it all alone I said. Actually I am quite nervouse when I see a lot of cookies jar. He look at me sadly. You make it all for me, I ask him. He slowly nod but now look very sad. Baby, I cant eat all of them. It will be waste, I said firmly. Okay, he said slowly. Baby, I hold his chin and said clearly. Let send them to the orphanage. Now I can see his eyes become sparkling.  Can we phi, he ask me excitedly, forgot who I am.
I nod. But we will ask our helper to send your cookies to the orphanage,  is it okay I ask him. Again,  he nod.  Its a close call. If I eat all his cookies, I will die.
I see how he happily pack all his cookies. How about you phi ,he suddenly ask. I am a bit fluster.  I still have  it from yesterday, I said. You dont like it, he said slowly. Too slow but I manage to understand.


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