15.What should i do

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Are you stupid win ask me. Mike purposely do it to you. You should inform phi mile win said in whisper.
I have been observing him since my party. He should not be here , he never in the plan for everything happen now, win said. Dont you feel something , win ask again.  I just shake my head because I dont want to make it big. I know you are confident with phi mile love, but you should do something ,win said again.  I am not, I said. I dont know whether phi mile like me or not, I said. Are you kidding me, win ask. He slave himself to you , win said. No he is not, I said while blushing.  Are you try to show off here, win ask sulky.  No, I quickly shake my head.  Beware of Mike, I think he like phi mile, win said. I nearly ask about their relation before, but I cant. I dont have right to ask about phi mile history from other people. Keep phi mile close,  seduce him if needed, win said again. If he know how pervert his brother in law is, he will pity me. I dont dare to imagine what will happen if I do what win ask me to do. He can suddenly hard on me while talking.  I need to pity myself.  Dont blush and think of steamy thing, win said and flick my forehead.  We married to brothers, I definitely understand that ,win said also shy. But someone try to take your place, you should be careful win said.  After that he said , he and bible need to visit apo. I dont know that,phi apo is also hurt. So I plan to visit him since my husband  injured.  i need to act as his husband. I hope phi mile will allow me to go because it just next room.

I slowly push phi mile when I can't breath. He just chukle and lick my lips. After that he continue kissing me. Phi, i slowly push him. I am a bit shy. After big peck he finally let me to sleep.
I think it doesn't matter where it is, as long as I am in his hug I can sleep soundly. He is so warm and smell really good. I felt safe and protected. I don't think any danger can come near me when I am with phi mile.

It's already morning when I wake up. I quickly look at the food my helper send. Since I know phi apo also hurt, I ask my helper to prepare food for him too.
Can I give this to phi apo, I ask slowly. No need, ask someone else to do it , phi mile said. Lets try win method,  I said to myself.  Can I go myself, I ask him slowly.  I felt guilty since I am already here, I said again. Can I phi, I ask softly and then hold his hand. I know I am getting red all over my body. I never do this. I never initiate our skinship. Please,  I beg slowly. Are you seducing me now, phi mile ask me. I felt like dying.  I quickly shake and release his hand. I am not born with this skills.  I am so shy.  Suddenly phi mile laugh loudly. I think this is the loudest laugh I hear from him. He pull me closer and kiss me hard. Go, I give you 10 minutes,  he said and kiss me before let me go. I will back soon I said and quickly take the breakfirst. 

After two days, I finally get out of phi mile room. I smile when all his people have their morning breakfast.  I instruct our helper to prepare for them too.
They nod and look down when I walk pass them. Before I knock the door, I hear Mike voice. Mile is so stupid, how could he choose bright over you. That bright is good for nothing, he dont even know mile is allergic to nuts. Beside his pretty face, I cant find anything goods from him. How come all of you hide this from me Mike ask. Mile should choose you, you work hard for him since forever. You can help him build this organization. But look at him now, living in house like a prince castle.  I know , that not him. He just try to make bright happy.  That bright so dummy, Imagine if his enemy know this Mike said again frustratedly.  Stop being stupid Mike, it's mile choice. We have no say in this apo said firmly. I know, that why I am angry. He dont even leave mile ward for a sec. Dont he know how worry we are. Mike ask again.  Stop, go if you want to talk about this.  I dont want to hear anything. It not bright false. You should not blame him , apo said. And one more thing, dont think I stupid, I know your plan and you lie to me phi apo said firmly.  I felt like stupid guy when I heard their conversation.  It's break my heart but I want to know. He should be out of picture Mike said again. Then we can back as usual, he add. Mike, apo yell at him. Stop, I don't want to hear this apo said firmly. I give up on him because it's you. But looking at that stupid guy make me regret I don't pursue mile before,  mike said again angrily.

I really cant take it anymore. I am shaking. How could someone hate me till he want me to dissapear.  When I turn around I can see phi jeff walking towards me. Hello Bright,  he greet me. I nod and with shaking hand I pass him the breakfirst.  Can you please pass it to phi apo, I ask with shaking voice. I can feel my tears now. Jeff look at me worrily.  Are you okay bright, he ask me. I nod, and quickly leave . I should walk to my husband ward but I really cant, I just want to leave all of this.

I dont know how, but I am at my old orphanage house.  I sit on my wood swings. I really dont know how I manage to come here. I just need to breath for a while.  I promise I will back before phi mile know. I was in deep thought and scare. But I still here waiting for miracle.  I must be crazy. I will make my husband angry. What should I do. I am scare but hope that my husband will come


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