18- Thank you

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I will never leave my husband with someone who are not trained.  All of his helper are trained army. When I receive notification from my team, I run to my house.  I nearly laugh when he try to protect two of my ruthless man. I never know he can be this brave. I let him play hero for a bit before I signal my cook to handle crazy Mike.

He is the first person who still alive after punching my face. The way he startled and scream when he aware of what he did. The way he immediately hug me also make my heart flutter. 
But everythings change when he try to safe Mike. He have been bully by Mike, but he now try his best to safe him even he is shaking with fear. I dont have a choice beside to lock him in our room.
I am still in dark mode when his helper report that he refuse to eat since I lock him yesterday.  Its really bad day for him to do any stunt. I force him to eat and being rough with him.  Even after nearly stab by Mike he still choose to safe him.

I roughly pull him up. He dont dare to look at me. Look at me, I said coldly.  He slowly look into my eyes. Please phi, he beg. I finally notice his bruised chin. I quickly release my grib. I must be crazy. How could I hurt him. I gently lift him and carry him away.  I dont want to see this bastard again after this, get him out of my property and my people I said to bible. He look relieved and quickly nod.
Listen to that my husband hug my neck and cry sadly.  I can't believe what I did to my baby. Since last two years I never let him hurt. I rarely lost control since then, but today I am really angry because it involve my husband.

When we arrived at our room, I quickly check on him. I cant say a word.  I grit my teeth when I see a bruise at his waist and scratches on his hands and and knees. I felt really angry with myself. Thank you phi, he suddenly hug me sofltly.  I am stunned with his action. Thank you, he said again. He always have his own way to make me comfortable.  He know his hug will make me calm down. After a while,  I lift his chin gently. Dont do this again, I said. He quickly nod. Are you okay now ,I ask him. I am hungry phi, he reply . I know he try to comfort me. Before I start calling for my helper , I hear a knocked. Our helper already prepare all his favorite food. He really got their heart.

I really dont want to hear anything about Mike.  But now bible and win uninvited are at our home. I cant say so much when my husband look so happy when win visit him. Based on bible, mike already back to rusia. He wont come back until I lift the banned. 
Honestly I don't want to see him all my life. He really should be thankful to bright, I am that close to kill him.
I hope everyone know bright place in my life. I can kill anyone for him.
Honestly no one can touch my heart beside my angel husband. I know apo and Mike always make me their priority but it end as friend and subordinate.
I never felt anything towards them.
I hope I don't need to kick apo from my life.  He is with me since forever.
Bible still felt sorry for interrupting bright birthday.  So as an appologize he treat us to candle light dinner at one of prestige place. I can see how my husband look excited when win tell him how delicious the food is. But until I said anything,  he just smile and nod.

I gently wait for him to come out from our car. This is the first time , I bring him to the event.  He look nervous but he is breathtaking.  I regret bring him here and show him to the world. I want to keep all of him to myself. But as bible said, he need to live like normal people.  So I am trying to compromise this.
I used to think my visual is my disadvantage because everyone used to make a joke on me because of my visual.
The call me me names before they dont know my real nature and craziness.  But for the first time, I feel grateful and proud with my visual to stand proud beside my husband.  Stay close, I said and he quickly nod. Surround by my close friend and my people, no one can get closer to us. Our arrival make all the guest stop at whatever they are doing and focus on us. No one said a word. Maybe after years, for the first time we make grand entrance like this. All of this, are for my husband safety. I cant take a chance regarding his safety. Normally I come with bible and a few friends.  I never come with this big scales. 
After a silent moment, I can see the host come and greet us happily. 
Thank you for this honour he said and shake my hand. He just smile to my husband who also smile sweetly.
Don't you think this is too much, we already secure the party he said while looking at my security team. In other word he warn us to not do stupid thing.
I just smile. Dont worry,  this is normal setup when we bring this one out I said and pull bright closer. Oh, I see he said and laugh . Please enjoy the party Mr...  the host try talking to my husband.  Bright I reply on behalf of my husband .
He cant see anything with this set up the host said and laugh . I dont like people looking at what is mine I reply.

Are you okay I ask my husband. He quickly  nod and smile. I can see how everyone look at us and I know he will get uncomfortable. Just look at me I said and my husband look at me with his wide eyes. I just smile and touch his nose . Just enjoy your night I said and he again nod happily.  Luckily everything go smoothly.  On the way back, my husband look at the beach excitedly.  I signal my team to stop. He look at me with inquary look. Wait I said. After my man clear the location, I gently assist him to get out from the car. He look so happy and quietly sit beside me. Thank you phi he said slowly.


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