9. No significant in his life

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I am so excited sitting in our car. Actually I never go to any party even before I married to my husband. I dont have that privileged.  So this is my first party. My husband look cool and handsome. Do I told anyone how handsome my husband is. If he is gentle and sweet, I believe everyone will try to get him. But because he is so cold and scary, all the boys and girls choose to love bible. From my point of view as his husband,  my husband cant be approached easily or he choose to be like that.  Only selected people can come close to him. That why, until now, I still confuse why he choose me. Unintentionally,  I keep looking at my stunning husband who now look serious with his work. Are you done looking at your handsome husband, phi mile suddenly ask. I look at him and blushing hard. Then phi mile just chuckle and continue working. Stupid bright, I scold my self and start focusing. 
Let's go, phi mile gently escort me to win's house.  I hate it, when phi mile treat me like a girl. But I cant do anything.  I am manly man used to be love by many girls even I am not rich because of my visual. I have line up of customer at cafe because they want to see me. I dont even like a guy before.  I force to like this one guy.  Honestly my pride really hurt at early stage of our marriage but gradually I know I am not that straight. My husband is too manly that make me surender to him.  What, phi mile ask when he notice how I reluctance to hold his hand. I just shake my head and hold his hand. He look at me deeply. I start feeling nervous and look down.

Bright, win call me happily. That make both of us look at him.  Phi mile gently pull me and walk into their house.  Phi, can I borrow bright, win ask cheerfully.
Please come in phi, bible interupt and  invite both of us in. Let them come in first baby, bible gently talk to his husband. Opps sorry, win said and laugh. I smile to both of them and still wait for phi mile. He quietly pull me. When we get into the house, I become more nervous,  its supposed to be family function,  but I can see many face that I never see before.  I hold phi mile hand tighter. He look at me calmly and slowly said, dont worry. Once all the guest notice our arrival,  every start gathering around us and keep greeting. I definitely scare and nervous but phi mile calmness  make me feel easy. I just smile politely when they try to shake hand with me. They must be notice how phi mile keep holding my hand. Brighty, suddenly grandpa call me. I look at phi mile and he slowly release my hand . Go, he said and I quickly go to grandpa and hug him. How are you child, grandpa ask me. I am okay grandpa. He pull me to sit beside him and phi mile casually sit beside me. Now I am sitting between both of them.

After grandpa and the older guest leave, the party become wild. I am glad phi mile with me now. I really dont know how to react in this situation.  Wait here phi mile said and he quickly go to new arrival guest. Not long after that win come to me and invite me to joint his friend. I try to refuse and look at phi me.  I know I never out of his eyes. So when I look at him, he just nod, giving permission for me to go with win. As introvert person, I feel uncomfortable to see new friend. I just smile and nod when win introduce his friends. 
I try to look for my husband but I cant see him. I slowly move from win group and go to the near garden for fresh air. I felt suffocated. I sit on the stairs and look at the beautiful gardens. I just need five minutes and I will back to the party I said.  So why the most beutiful person in the party sit alone here, suddenly someone said. I look at my back and very shock. Excuse me I said try to live the place. But that stranger , block the door. Dont be scare, I don't mean harm he said.  I am so scare right now. What if my husband see this. Please, I said nervously. Chill, you are not needed there, your husband being busy with his previous boyfriend he said calmly. I am a bit disturbed by his statement,  but I pretend dont care. I really need to go. Excuse me I said and push his hand. I quickly get Into the room and look for my husband.  He seem like can feel my heart now. He immediately look at me and I go to him with pale face . What happen, he ask me and look at my back. I can see that stranger guy, calmly stand beside the door. He casually lift his glass to me. I can see my husband face turn sour. I know this will end badly. So I have no choice but to hug him. I dont want to ruin win party. Phi, I Want to go home, I said. Bible who notice our situation come to help. Phi, bring bright to guest room. He look sick, he said. No, I want to go home, I said and look at my husband eyes.  I really scare. So dont you want to introduce him to me, the same guy phi mile see before  said while hugging my husband shoulder. I quickly distance myself from my husband. I felt like not needed here but I dont dare enough to leave.  So like a statue I wait for phi mile reaction. Bright, this is Mike, my friend he said. I smile and nod. I cant help but to look at Mike hand at phi mile shoulder. He must be special for phi mile. I never see anyone act like that to him. I try to ignore my bad feeling, I don't want to speculate. Phi, can I go to rest room, i ask my husband.  I dont want to be here.  I wish I can just run away. Lets go , phi mile said.. He is strong and big guy,  he can go alone, Mike said. Are you scare bright, mike ask me. I just smile and look at phi mile. Can you go alone , phi mile ask me. I am a bit shock, but I smile and nod. I try to hold my tears. But why must I angry, I have no significance in his life.


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