11. Know your place

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Is this okay phi, I ask my husband.  I dont want to make he felt shame of my appearance.  He nod and focus  to his work back. I cant wait for my guest. 
When I heard a car, I quickly go to my husband. I wait patiently when he still  on his work. Phi, i finaly call him, when he ignore me standing beside him. He casually leave his laptop and pull me onto his lap. Are you that happy, he ask me. I quickly nod. I never have a guest since last two years. Of course I will excited. Furthermore its win and bible. I know them well. Kiss me, phi mile demand. I quickly peck his lips. He just chuckle and push me gently before stand up. Lets go, he said. Bright, win call me when he see me and phi mile . Phi mile release my hand and I quickly hug him. Where is bible, I ask him. He is outside,  he will come in a bit win said.  Wow your house is so beautiful, win said. Really, I ask him proudly. Honestly all my two years are spend in this house. And phi mile dont care how I change the decorations.  Now our house look like normal houses. I love pastel color so everything look so calm and clean.  Is this real, I suddenly hear a voice which is not bible. I look at Mike who casually hug my husband. He must be asking about my house look too. I slowly walk to them. I suddenly lost my excitement.  I and win walk to them. Phi, bright decorate all of this, win tell his husband.
I felt like in paradise, this is so not you, mike say and chuckle. Omg I cant remember how it look when I used to come here, before all of us was banned to be here Mike said again. Mike, bible call him and remind him to be careful.  Ops, sorry bright, I just excited mike said.  Its okay,.I reply slowly.  Phi mile pull me closer. I am hungry, do you cook bright, mike ask me cheerfully.  No, I dont, I cant cook , I reply Honestly.  I cant cook too win said and wink at me. It was well known mike said and win glare at him.  Phi, I need to prepare for dinner, I thought only bible and win, I whisper to my husband. Just ask phi toey, he reply. But i want to help him, I said. Please,  I beg my husband.  After kissing my head, he allow me to go.
When I am at the kitchen,  I cant help but take a deep breath. Be patient bright , I talk to myself while helping phi toey to prepare another set of dinner for  mike.

I felt like crying when, mike sit at my usual place. I really dont know how to react. Should I leave, I don't want to be a rude host.  No need to add other set, phi mile said to phi toey. I felt like crazy, but I try to act like it wont effect me. Come here, phi mile call me. He gently make me sit on his lap. We can share, he said. I look at win face who look at us with adorable eyes. Are you stupid, bible ask mike. That , bright sit, bible scold mike. Omg sorry, i am so stupid, it because only this set left, I forgot about bright because we used to eat like this, mike say and look at me with guilty face.  It's okay, I can prepare another one I said try to get up but my husband hold me tighter.  Sit properly , he said.  I dont have a choice beside make myself comfortable on phi mile lap. He casually hug me and i lean on him. Actually I maybe sit on him more than on chair. He love having me on his lap. He even ask me to sit with him when he work.
I felt a bit guilty to our guest, but they seem dont mind beside mike who become a bit quiet compared to before. But it still happy successful dinner.

After dinner , I grab win hand to show him my cookies.  Wow, it look great win said. After that our helper serve all of us my cookies and hot tea. This time me and win sit side by side. I prefer to sit beside win because he so funny and cute. Beside that, I felt a bit left out when bible and Mike keep talking about their memory.  Even phi mile rarely talk, I know he enjoy the conversation.
While me and win keep looking on win ig post which is full of his baking post, I suddenly hear mike shouting.  Stop, dont eat, it have nuts in it, mike said while grabing cookies from phi mile. I look at win eyes and then turn to phi mile. Stop it, phi mile said to mike and look at me like always. Are you crazy, mike ask phi mile when he eat the cookies. Dont you know he allergic to nuts, mike ask me a bit annoy.  I look at phi mile and quickly take the cookies from his hand. I am sorry, I said and quickly try to walk away. Bright, phi mile call me and I dont dare to continue my step. He slowly walk to me and turn me to him. I try to hide my sadness. I am sorry, I dont know, I said. Phi mile dont say a word, he just smile and hug me. We should call doctor I said slowly.  No need, I have my pills, phi mile reply. That make me really shy and sorry.  After being comfort by phi mile, I ask phi mile permission to walk in the garden with win. He just nod and kiss my nose.

Are you sure you are his husband, mike suddenly ask me. I dont know where he come from. I felt guilty so I just look down. Dont you know, mile is not common husband you want him to be, what will his enemy do when they saw how you change him. What with this stupid homey decoration. It dont macth with his status , he said again. Leave , you are not qualify to be with him, mike said cruelly.  I look at him this time, I know I am guilty for cookies, but how could he judge me and ask me to leave phi mile. So that stranger before may be right about their relation. What, you should know your place mike said before leaving me alone.


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