00. Prologue.

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❝—why must I sit among a bunch of hypocrites?

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why must I sit among a bunch of hypocrites?

All I do is sip tea as they blabber. 


" Have you heard about the news of Earl Hart being taken into custody? " A woman spoke in a hushed tone, trying to appear as if she was truly shocked from the said happening. "Truly shocking, isn't it my fellow ladies?" She said as she spread open her hand fan before covering her mouth behind it.  

Despite the news being shocking, the woman hid a toothy grin behind her hand fan, proudly smiling as she assumed that she was the first to know about it. Although, her toothy grin was only noticed by two individuals in the room.

The other ladies in the room, put their fancy little teacups down onto their respective saucers as they gossiped left and right, non-stop. Until someone else spoke up, 

"I believe Earl Hart has already been sent to the Fortress of Meropide to serve his term of forty-five days, countess." A gentle voice spoke from across the table. Everyone's eyes moved towards the voice, as the said lady continued to savor each and every sip she had taken from the piping hot tea in her cup.  Leaving a sigh of relief, she glanced at the woman who initiated the conversation, "You are quite behind on the news, I believe." 

Everyone in the group had gone silent as their eyes wandered off towards the famous daughter of the (L/n) house, ( Y/n l/n). the said lady paid no attention to the gossips going on within the room and rather preferred to continue indulging herself with the specially prepared tea. She wasn't bothered to look back at the ladies and try responding to their coaxing words.  Opposite to her sat the daughter of another Count, Navia who placed her teacup down to continue on speaking,

"Yes, I too have heard of the same as lady (Y/n) mentioned. The Duke of the Meropide Fortress, personally came by to conduct the arrest." Navia said as she looked at all the ladies, who once again began gossiping between them selves. 

"The Duke of Meropide himself?! That must be horrible!" A young woman gasped in shock as she covered her mouth with her hand. 

"Oh! that man is rumored to have a cold heart!" 

"No wonder the Duke is imperfect. No woman would want to marry him!" 

The gossips continued on with no stop to it as all the women in the room continued to talk behind the Duke's back. (Y/n) placed her teacup down as she observed the atmosphere in the room before she looked at Navia with a tired sigh. 

"Hypocrites." She thought to herself as she saw the ladies eagerly talk awful things behind the Duke's back. Everyone in the room was a hypocrite as they would be the first one to go greet the Duke of Meropide had he been on the surface of Fontaine just to gain his favor. 

The woman scoffed to herself as she recalls of the one time she had seen the Duke of the Meropide Fortress at an event. Though she was all the way across the hall, she could sense the atmosphere of responsibility, power and authority all around him as he barely batted an eye to the people surrounding him, occasionally giving a forced smile before he found himself out of the hall. 

His authority over Fontaine's exceeded his reputation as a Duke.His tale was the one of how a mere commoner  climbed to the most top rank of nobility.  If Pillars are meant to be supporting structures for any work of architecture, using the same analogy, he could be considered as Fontaine's strongest supporting pillar under the regiment of the Hydro Archon, Furina. 

The Nation was supported by three powerful 'pillars'— Duke Neuvillette, the chief justice and personal aide of the Hydro archon, Duchess Clorinde, The supreme champion duelist who ensures the security of the nation and lastly, Duke Wriothesely ; famously known as the Duke of the Meropide Fortress, who was responsible for all the criminals punished by the law. 

The three famous pillars and the regime of the Hydro Archon, Furina ensures the smooth running of the nation. Yet, (y/n) had to hear young women of the noble circles talk bad about such a character with no shame. 

Sighing to herself, she got up from the table after excusing herself out of there. As she walked down the hallways alone, she noticed the mass of grey clouds encasing the brilliant blue sky. 

"HOW NICE MUST IT BE UNDER THE SURFACE OF FONTAINE." She mumbled to herself as she walked away. 


a/n : How was the Prologue chapter ?!! 

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a/n : How was the Prologue chapter ?!! 

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