04. Wait and Watch.

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❝―you thought you were smarter

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❝―you thought you were smarter

how sad. 


The former Viscount of the Whitlock house used his wits and controlled the house of (l/n) when the marquess of the (/n) family was at his weakest in the international markets for medicines and herbs due to the act of scandal committed by the former marchioness of the (l/n) house.

The herbal market which was once supplied and controlled by the (l/n) family fell predatory into the hands of the Whitlock who became an intermediate, controlling the market which made it impossible for the (l/n) to gain profits on their own.

In other words, Louis's threats indirectly meant how he will cut off the revenue the (l/n) family had been making for the past few years if she decides to break their engagement off. He knew he had pulled the wrong trigger to test (y/n) this time yet he sat there smiling like a true fool would.

To say his method was not effective would be an understatement as it certainly did trigger something in the young lady. Remembering the bitter past she had shared with her father, (Y/n) could no longer hold herself back as she raised her voice loud and clear.

"Guards!" she shouted out loudly which alerted the ones standing by the door. They kicked the door open and immediately marched towards where their young master was seated.

"Escort Viscount Louis outside." The lady said as she still stared at the man before her, "―he is not feeling well. I would have accompanied him myself but I remembered I had an important work."

The man laughed and walked out towards the exit with the guards following him closely. He simply showed no hesitation as if he was done with his work here. (Y/n)'s piercing gaze followed with Louis's figure as he walked towards the open door. Before he stepped out from the room, he turned around and once again asked,

"Would you like to go to Her Majesty's Birthday Masquerade with me?" He asked innocently, almost sounding as if he had not gone out of line earlier.

Though (y/n) did not wish to talk to him, she knew for now he had the upper hand in this foul game of powers among families. It would be wise to stay away from him for now but she had to convince him that she wasn't really irritated at him.

"No." The lady said as she got up from her seat and looked at the man who was about to leave the room. "Wouldn't it be much 'romantic' if you were to find me at the Masquerade?" The lady said as she forced a smile on her face, trying to not initiate another argument.

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