06. The Masquerade Night.

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❝―What's so fancy about a masquerade anyway? ❞

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❝―What's so fancy about a masquerade anyway? 


"What did you call me here for?" Clorinde asked as she walked into the hidden area of the Fortress, finding Wriothesley stand quietly and observe the Sluice gate before him. 

Hearing her voice he turned around to greet her, "Ah greetings to the duchess." he said as he took notice of what she wore. Earning a chance to tease her, he said, "Despite being the duchess and the captain of the Gardes, you're still wearing your uniform." he said with a grin. 

She left a scoff at his comment. "Duty waits for me. My duty is to protect Lady Furina, whether it be a fancy masquerade or a simple tea party." she paused and adjusted her clothes. "Besides, this is the much grander and luxurious uniform for the Captain of the Gardes, Duke Wriothesley." she said in a calm manner, trying to not get into another fight. 

"Sheesh, you tend to get easily fired up with my comments.." Wriothesley joked as she walked towards where he stood, observing the fluctuating meter and the rattling of the pipes surrounding it. 

She left a dissatisfied click of tongue. "So have you figured out what lies behind it?" 

He shook his head and replied, "I have an idea or two but I'm not quite certain." he said as he looked at the gate. "I called in experts to check if it was pressure, temperature or any build ups. All of them denied the reasons." 

Clorinde was worried as it was shown from the way she stared at the gate. "..and what if it bursts open when you are up there?" 

Wriothesley chuckled as he turned around and walked away, "Well then, good luck to Fontaine." he paused and directed away from the topic of their conversation, "by the way, you should head to Opera Eclipse now." he said as he walked away. 

Clorinde was a little irritated at his less serious behavior but nonetheless she knew he was the most tense when compared to herself or Neuvillette. 


"How annoying." (y/n)  muttered beneath her breath, as she walked towards the entrance of the Opera Eclipse. Navia, who was walking beside her, sighed. "You need to smile. Your mask isn't covering your face completely like mine!" 

"How is one supposed to smile after she has been forced to attend a party filled with hypocrites!" (Y/n) replied back in annoyed tone as she could only see all the nobles walk hand in hand with their loved ones to the masquerade. 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now