18. A Beneficial Agreement.

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❝— I've seen this scene once

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I've seen this scene once. The slow ticket to death.

I don't want to see it again.  


(not proofread, was rushed!)


"We should prepare for the worst in case the spread of the virus reaches the Fortress of Meropide." (Y/n) offered a suggestion as she placed her empty cup of tea down onto the saucer, looking back at Wriothesley who was occasionally signing papers on the go, despite it being their afternoon break. 

He looked back up at her again and raised an eyebrow. "Please do enlighten me about it. What must I exactly prepare?" He asked, quite clueless. 

(Y/n) stared at him with an unbelievable stare of concern. "You...You're the Duke of this place right? What do you exactly prepare during the season of flu?" she asked in a slow tone, slightly toned with a tint of surprise. 

He placed the documents down as his eyes were now looking into that of (Y/n)'s, who sat back with a surprised look on her face. 

"The head nurse, Sigewinne usually takes care of these things but I've sent her to the over world to enjoy a little break. I have no idea." He casually replied as if it was quite normal. 

"Unbelievable." She muttered to herself as she picked up a cookie from the tray of desserts. He observed her silently before a bulb ignited over his head. A sly smile was over his face as he called her out. 

"(Y/n), I have a suggestion." He said in a tone that was laced with sneakiness to it. (Y/n) who was biting onto the cookie looked at him with a slightly confused look as his expression showed he was up to no good. 

"Why don't you carry out the said task? Since the head nurse isn't available for the next few days, I'd like you to help me out with it." He said as his lips curled up to show a little evident grin. 

(Y/n) squinted her eyes as she already had the tiring task to prepare a greenroom to attempt growing herbal plants within the Fortress. However, now if such a task were to land up on her shoulders, she would have to count the stock of medicines, medical tools and so on, which would take a while. 

⨯ ﹒ ✦ ENDEARMENT - WRIOTHESLEY x F!READERWhere stories live. Discover now