14. The Beginning.

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❝— I don't think my lady is acting anymore

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I don't think my lady is acting anymore. 

She's in love but doesn't realize. 


"Are you alright, m'lady?" the ever 'humble' maid asks as she stands beside her before a huge wooden door. 

(Y/n) only looked at her and sighed in annoyance due to how obnoxious the question sounded in the given circumstance, "Do I look alright, Yona?" she rapidly shot a question back to her maid who immediately looked down at the lady's trembling ankles. 

The maid raised her head back up with an uninterested look on her face. "When are you ever alright, m'lady?" she muttered beneath her breath in a sarcastic tone and it was loud enough for her master to hear.

"You!" (Y/n) replied back in an annoyed tone except she was once again cut off by Yona, who raised her hands and motioned the lady to stop talking. 

"I only inquired out of formalities, m'lady." She said bluntly as she looked into the eyes of (y/n). 

she further continued, "I'm not paid enough to go as far as listening to you explain how you ended up injuring your ankle. You haven't given me a bonus salary in three months now." Yona declared as she slightly scoffed and looked away, breaking eye contact with (y/n) yet retained her cold posture. 

(Y/n) held her chin for a minute as she thought for a while. 

Yona was the most loyal maid among the entire staff of the (l/n) house. To say, she was also once a noble but alas, her family fell into the depths of poverty which ultimately led her here, as a maid. 

"Didn't I give you a bonus two weeks ago after you investigated certain things for me?" She asked as she recollected her memories, inquiring the personal maid.

Yona had a shocked expression on her face as she gasped. "You call twenty thousand mora a bonus and I call that the extra credit left after a grocery spree!" She responded coldly, leaving (y/n) take second doubts. 

"How is that—" (Y/n) was about to argue back but was cut off by her Headmaid, Julia who entered the room, bowing her head down slightly. 

She looked up and smiled slightly as she announced, "The Duke of Meropide, Duke Wriothesley has reached the main gates. You should get going, m'lady." 

(y/n) exhaled out as she fixed her sleeve. "Time to get started. Have you placed my typewriter in the guest room?" 

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