02. Indoor-loving Individuals.

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❝— Social gatherings are a headache

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 Social gatherings are a headache..

Is my presence really needed?

I'd rather coop up in my office.


" Wriothesley." The dark blue haired lady spoke in a strict tone as she stirred the tea in her porcelain tea cup. Beside her sat the famous Chief Justice of Fontaine, occasionally glancing at the black haired man who seemed to pay no heed to anyone's words as he continued enjoying his afternoon tea.

" Duke of Meropide, Wriothesley." The lady repeated sternly as she placed the metallic spoon down onto the saucer of her teacup. Her face remained neutral as she stared at the man who still seemed to not care. The silver haired Chief Justice, looked at the lady who sat beside him before he cleared his throat.

The said Duke finally placed his teacup down. A displeased sigh left from his lips as he leaned back onto his chair, crossing his legs one over the other.

He ran his fingers through his black hair, "I usually do not let visitors during my pleasant afternoon breaks but I must ask, is there any trouble on the surface? If so, please strike my name out of your heads for I have too much work down here already." He said with a slight annoyance. 

The silver haired man immediately responded, "We do apologize for interrupting your time of leisure, Duke Wriothesley." he paused as he took out an envelope from his coat which was kept on his lap. "—But it is dire that we two personally had to convince you regarding this. Rest be assured, it cannot be called an issue at the moment."

 Wriothesley's eyes wandered off towards the white envelope the other man had extended out. Noticing the Royal wax seal, he sighed before accepting it. 

"I assume, Lady Furina is throwing another party?" He asked the question as he inspected the invitation. Tearing the wax seal of carefully, he pulled out the paper before he glanced through its contents thoroughly. 

The two other people in the room sat quietly as they sipped on their tea. Once he was done reading the contents, he chuckled to himself as he folded the paper back into the envelope and placed it onto the center of the table.

The man placed his elbow onto the table before he leaned his chin onto the palm of his hand with a little irritated smile tugging at his lips as he spoke,

"Dear Neuvillette and Clorinde, you both are quite aware of how I despise social gatherings with nobles such as this." He paused as he pushed the invitation letter towards their side. "—I'm not interested." the man declared. 

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