19. Family Portrait.

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"(y/n), if you were ever separated from someone you love, what would you do?" 

"What if you cannot go back to them ever again?" 

"Would there still be meaning to live?" 

"Oh shut up." 


(Y/n) awoke from her slumber as her eyes found it difficult adjusting to the bright light in the room. She pushed aside the heavy and thick blankets to try and get up. However, she was struck down with a ringing pain in her head. Her eye felt heavy as she still couldn't see anything properly.

"You're awake! That's good. Please don't strain yourself, let me check your pulse." She heard a voice of a melusine as she shifted slightly to look around for the direction of the voice. Upon noticing the familiar features of the Melusine, (Y/n) smiled. 

"You must be the Head Nurse, the Duke mentioned about." (y/n) muttered in a weak and tired tone as she let the Melusine check her pulse. 

The Head nurse giggled a little and said, "That's right. I am Sigewinne, the head nurse of The Fortress of Meropide. I've heard quite a lot about you as well, Duchess (Y/n)! We can talk later but right now you'll need to focus on your recovery."

"Recovery? What happened?" The woman asked as she was slightly startled by the mention of it. Was she poisoned? Was she sick? She had no idea herself. 

"You overworked yourself too much! And that incident caused your stress to take over you greatly which is why you collapsed. It has been two days you know..."  Sigewinne said in a  concerned tone as she moved her hands away after counting (y/n)'s pulse.

"The Duke was very shocked when you collapsed into his arms! Which is why he summoned me back to treat you." The melusine said as she took her notebook to write down something. 

"Ah." (Y/n) said as she breathed out. "I suppose I should go apologize for startling him like that." the woman said as she sighed heavily, slightly embarrassed at the mention of him holding her in his arms. Sigewinne pulled away the blankets as she supported the lady by her neck to raise up slowly. 

"Here, drink this." The Head nurse spoke in a gentle tone as she handed over a cup of bitter tasting medicine. (Y/n) muttered a thank you and took the entire medicine in a single gulp as she didn't flinch or appear disgusted by the overwhelming taste, which left the Melusine quite surprised. 

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