15. A Day in Meropide.

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❝— I, Wriothesley, take (y/n) (l/n) to be my 

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I, Wriothesley, take (y/n) (l/n) to be my 

lawfully wedded contractual wife.  


As people famously quote, 'Time passes by in a blink of an eye', (Y/n) never knew she'd feel the phrase literally. It felt  as though it was yesterday that she had for the first time met Wriothesley but today it was already her second day of staying at the Fortress of Meropide. 

The Duke was gracious enough to provide her with a decent room and bathroom but it was not as luxurious as the one back at her estate. Unwillingly opening her eyelids, she was met with darkness as there was from little to no light from the windows that showed the depths of the ocean. 

"Is it morning already?" She thought to herself as she got up from the bed, pulling her blankets aside as she stretched her legs.A little yawn escaped her lips as she covered her mouth with her hand.  

She then held the side of her head as she gently pulled it towards her the side, relieving the stress built in her neck from sleeping on a different pillow. 

"I should have brought my pillows." (Y/n) muttered to herself as she poked the rock hard pillows that were probably given to the prisoners as well. Just then, she heard the knob of her room door twist and turn upon to reveal a bright beam of light from outside.

"Looks like you're finally awake." Yona said as she entered the room without knocking. Seeing her figure outside the room in the brightly lit corridor made (Y/n) go slightly blind as her room was mostly dark. 

"What time is it." (Y/n) said as she quickly reached out for the light switch in her room. On turning the lights on, she noticed the little clock that hung in the tiny room which read quarter past eight.

She crossed her legs one over the other as she sat back onto the mattress, watching Yona rummage through her suitcase to find her clothing for the day.  A silence enveloped the room as (y/n) stared at the poorly plated metallic ceiling of her room. 

Today, she would engage with the residents of the Fortress. 

Not just as the daughter or the future marchioness of the (l/n) family but as the new Duchess of the Fortress of Meropide. Even though it was quite temporary, if things in the Fortress should go the way she needs it to, she will need to bring the pawns back into her hands. 

Just like how she did in the over-world with nobles. To her, the world was just a huge board on which chess could be played. If she moves the right pieces, she will win this match against the ticking time. 

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